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The UCF Writing Across the Curriculum program offers specialized writing workshops developed in collaboration with faculty to support the needs of students within degree programs and program curricula.
Our disciplinary writing workshops were developed in collaboration with faculty to support the needs of students within degree programs and program curricula.

In an effort to provide a broad outreach to as many units, departments, and colleges as possible, the WAC Program regularly offers university-wide workshops on such diverse topics as assignment design, assessment, paper load management, and others. The main purpose of these workshops is to introduce participants to a wide variety of important issues related to the teaching and learning of writing and to engage them in a conversation about the topics, issues, and questions relevant to their own teaching interests as well as to their departmental and disciplinary contexts.

The workshops are highly interactive, and we always encourage participants to contribute to the collective creation of knowledge about writing through questions and the sharing of their experiences with teaching writing.

Workshop topics include:
  • Writing assignment design
  • Writing intensive course design
  • Assessment of writing assignments
  • “Writing-to-learn” and informal writing assignments
  • Development of department-wide writing outcomes
  • Managing the high paper load and teaching writing in large classes
  • Engaging students through peer review and other classroom activities

Past University-Wide Workshops

WAC has offered workshops on the following topics:

  • Improving Student Learning and Managing Paper Load Through Informal Writing Assignments
  • Keeping Students Engaged Through Peer Review

In order to maximize faculty participation, we held two sessions on each topic, with faculty from Chemistry, History, Nursing, and other departments attending.

Creating New Customized Workshops

We are exploring new ways to reach faculty across the university by not only accommodating their busy schedules but also by designing workshops and other events that best suit the needs of various departments and colleges.