Soon after the successful inaugural session of the WAC Fellows Program in the spring of 2012, the Writing Across the Curriculum team hosted the summer version of the Fellows Program. This was a very successful 4-day event, run in May, in which 18 faculty members from 4 UCF departments, including one regional campus, created writing-related learning outcomes for their programs as well as writing assignments for their courses in support of those outcomes.
The exit survey given to the summer WAC Fellows showed very high levels of satisfaction with the program. Here are some of the survey results:
- 94% of the respondents were “very satisfied” with their overall experience;
- 100% found the program facilitators Pavel Zemliansky and Lindee Owens to be “very effective”;
- 88% stated that the program met their department’s need and their individual professional development needs “very well.”
One fellow wrote that this was “the best training received in 15 years at UCF.” All responses were anonymous.
Please see the photo gallery of the event.