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The first WAC Fellows program has been a huge success!

Now, several weeks after the program has ended its first semester, its participants reflect on their experiences and on what they learned while working with the WAC Program.

“Our team is very grateful for the opportunity to participate in the WAC Fellows program.  In addition to receiving valuable professional development for our individual classes, we were able to start a necessary dialogue with the department to better improve teaching and learning throughout the program.” (Chemistry)

“The WAC Fellows Program created a unique space for us to explore, through interdisciplinary plenary sessions and departmental workshops, the connection between writing assignments and discipline-specific learning outcomes.” (History)

“Through working with the WAC Fellowship faculty, we have developed new ways to practice these skills by using critical thinking writing assignments in Nursing Research course in order to better prepare students for this task.” (Nursing)

A big thank you to everyone who participated! Please visit the Faculty Testimonials page to read more.