Individual consultation with faculty is an important part of our work. By working collaboratively with individual faculty on the design and revision of writing assignments, we help to improve writing instruction at UCF “one course at a time.” These consultations also allow us to spend the necessary time with individual faculty members and to address their needs and concerns in detail. Such an approach leads to the creation of a truly customized and individualized approach to writing instruction.
Below are some of the courses whose instructors we have consulted so far this academic year:
- COT4210 – Discrete Computational Structures, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- HFT4286 – Hospitality Communications, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
- HFT2220 – Hospitality Human Resources, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
- HFT4295 – Hospitality Strategic Management & Leadership, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
- HFT4735 – Tourism Geography, Rosen College of Hospitality Management.
- CHEM 2046 – “Chemistry 2 Lab”, Department of Chemistry
- IDS 2912 – Introduction to Research II, Office of Undergraduate Research
- EUH 4610 – Women in European Society, Medieval to Modern, Department of History
- NUR 3806 – Professional Socialization Seminar, College of Nursing.
- NUH 2002 – Modern Concepts in Nutrition, Department of Health Professions, Health and Public Affairs
To learn more about our approach to conducting individual consultations, please visit the Individual Consultations page on the website. To schedule a consultation for your course with either Lindee or Pavel, please contact us.