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UCF Theatre Faculty Members Publish Book on Practical Theatre Theory

UCF Theatre faculty members Julia Listengarten and Vandy Wood (publishing under M. Van Duyn Wood), along with former faculty member Megan Altruz have published a compilation of essays, "Playing with Theory in Theatre Practice." The process took six years and includes twenty-two contributors including Chair/Artistic Director of the Theatre Department at UCF Christopher Niess and former UCF Musical Theatre Coordinator John Bell.

"It is difficult to get a book contract in theatre. The market for theater research isn’t as broad as other majors, we are very pleased that Julia, Vandy, and Megan have published this book," said Christopher Niess.

Listengarten says of the six year process, "Time is the biggest challenge – we waited four to five months for the peer reviews. Revision is good, it only makes things better, but it takes a while."

The book has been published by Palgrave Macmillan, one of the largest publishers of academic works, particularly focusing on humanities and social sciences. The book can be found online at Amazon.