Brian Phinn ‘20MFA, Danny McCabe and Damian Thorn-Hauswirth, students in the Animation and Visual Effects MFA program, have won the Dell Talks: I Made That competition. Sponsored by Dell and Alienware, this creative content competition challenges college students to use Alienware or Dell technology to shape the landscape of entertainment.
Phinn has been awarded Best in Show for his piece, “Two’s Accompany: 2D Animated Short Student Film.” As winner of Best in Show, Phinn will receive a Dell UltraSharp 38 Curved Ultrawide Monitor and will be featured on Dell’s Virtual Campus.
McCabe is the competition’s Composition and Sound Design winner for his piece, “It’s Christmas.” He will receive a $500 Dell Rewards gift card and will be featured on Dell’s Virtual Campus.
Thorn-Hauswirth is the winner of the Digital Media category for his piece, “Amorphous.” He will receive a $500 Dell Rewards gift card and will be featured on Dell’s Virtual Campus.
To explore Dell’s Virtual Campus, visit https://dellvirtualcampus.com/
To learn more about the Emerging Media, Animation and Visual Effects MFA program, visit: https://svad.cah.ucf.edu/program/animation-and-visual-effects/