After being invited to present at the “2019 Florida Court Interpreter Conference”, organized by the 5th Circuit Court and celebrated on May 23rd 2019 in Crystal River, which Dr. Fernández-Rubiera and Mr. Juan Quintero (pictured), class of 2020 attended as presenters, representatives from the 5th and 13th Circuit Courts will be presenting a workshop at the Modern Languages Department at UCF about Court Interpreting and how to become state certified on November 4th, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm, in Trevor Colbourn Hall, room 358B.
The representatives that will be attending our workshop are:
As presenters: Ms. Mary Aponte, 13th Circuit Court Staff Interpreter, and Mr. Ryan Whitson, 5th Circuit Court Staff Interpreter,
As supporting roles: Ms. Maritza López, a 13th Circuit Court Interpreter Manager; Ms. Sandra Giroux, a Staff Court Interpreter with the 5th Circuit; and Mr. Juan Carlos Villanueva, representing the 5th Circuit Court.
Please RSVP at DueProcess@circuit5.org. The event is free, and open to the public.