New Issues of DWR Student Publications, Stylus and Imprint
December 15, 2017 New issues of the Department of Writing and Rhetoric’s two student publications, Stylus: A Journal of First-Year Writing and Imprint, have been released. The new issue of Stylus can be found here and the new issue of Imprint is available here. Stylus publishes outstanding writing and research produced in UCF’s...

T&T Faculty Involved in Social Sim Project
December 15, 2017 T&T faculty members Anastasia Salter, Mel Stanfill, and Barry Mauer joined the team led by Assistant Professor Ivan Garibay, director of UCF’s Complex Adaptive Systems Laboratory in the College of Engineering & Computer Science, “to develop models and massive simulations to help understand online social behavior and predict the spread of...

Creative Writing alumnus named 2018 NEA Literature Creative Writing Fellow
December 14, 2017 Jaroslav Kalfař ‘11 might feel that literary success is elusive, but it seems to be following him closely. Kalfař was recently awarded a highly competitive and prestigious National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Fellowship for $25,000. Kalfař majored in Creative Writing at UCF before completing his MFA at New...

T&T Student Wins Social Venture Competition
December 07, 2017 At the recent Social Venture Competition, doctoral student David Thomas Moran pitched his idea to use real-time data to enhance public transportation. University of Central Florida doctoral student David Thomas Moran and his company, Omnimodal, LLC, which uses real-time data to enhance the quality, efficiency and reliability of public transportation...

Theatre UCF Replaces Play by Writer Accused of Sexual Misconduct
December 06, 2017 Theatre UCF is replacing the previously scheduled play The Day Before Yesterday with Rebecca Gilman’s Boy Gets Girl to run Feb. 22 through March 4. “As an educational institution, it is our job to instruct students how to produce and participate in theatre. However, it is also our duty to teach them to do...

STARTALK intensive Russian language summer program recap
December 06, 2017 UCF hosted the STARTALK program for students learning Russian for the third year, made possible by grant funding and associate professor Dr. Alla Kourova. The program is part of several initiatives for learning Russian that the Department of Modern Languages & Literatures provides. Participants took part in extra-curricular activities including...

Theatre UCF Replaces Play by Writer Accused of Sexual Misconduct
December 06, 2017 Theatre UCF is replacing the previously scheduled play The Day Before Yesterday with Rebecca Gilman’s Boy Gets Girl to run Feb. 22 through March 4. “As an educational institution, it is our job to instruct students how to produce and participate in theatre. However, it is also our duty to teach them to do...
New classes are being offered through the History Department for Spring 2018! Want to take something different? We’ve got you covered.
December 06, 2017 Digital Storytelling (ASH 3930) – Dr. Tiffany Earley-Spadoni If you are interested in new ways to tell stories about the past, this class is for you. “Digital Storytelling” is a relatively new practice which uses digital tools for community-engagement. Digital stories are often presented in a compelling first-person style and combine...

Students win social justice award at UCF Service-Learning Showcase
December 01, 2017 Students in the WST 3522: First and Second Wave Feminism course led by Dr. M.C. Santana won a Social Justice Special Recognition Award at the UCF Service-Learning Showcase. Their project included documenting items from the Judith and Warren Kaplan Collection in the UCF Library. The team “Santana’s Chickens” include students...

FIEA Alumnus, Author Aims To Inspire ACE Book Club Students
December 01, 2017 At the brand-new Academic Center for Excellence adjacent to UCF Downtown’s Center for Emerging Media, FIEA alumnus Matthew Laurence ‘07 read his book with students in the ACE book club. Looking for ways to connect with the PreK–8 school, FIEA had reached out to donate several dozen copies of Laurence’s book and offered to...

Philosophy students win Mid-Atlantic Ethics Bowl, head to Nationals in Chicago
December 01, 2017 The UCF student team from the Department of Philosophy won the Mid-Atlantic Regional Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl Competition held at the University of North Georgia’s BB&T Center for Ethical Leadership on Saturday, November 18, 2017. Sixteen teams from fourteen universities competed on moral and ethical cases produced by the Association of...

T&T Holds "Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Texts and Technology" Graduate Symposium
November 30, 2017 Texts and Technology Assistant Professor, Mel Stanfill, organized the “Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Texts and Technology: A Graduate Symposium,” November 29, in the Burnett Honors College. Presentations included – Panel 1: Historical Approaches to Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Texts and Technology When will Puerto Rico become...
DWR's Brandy Dieterle's Article Published in the Communication Center Journal
November 29, 2017 Brandy Dieterle, an instructor in the Department of Writing and Rhetoric, has had an article published in the Communication Center Journal. The article discusses her experiences moving from being a teacher, to a graduate tutor in the university writing center at UCF, back to being a teacher, and how that particular...
DWR Alum Mikael Romo's Article Accepted into Composition Forum
November 28, 2017 Mikael Romo, one of DWR’s alumni, recently had an article accepted into Composition Forum with Drs. Wardle and Hall. Below is an overview of his experience with writing this article, how it began, and when we can expect the article to come out. “Our article reminds me of those end-of-the-semester reflection...

T and T Alumni Lands Tenure Track Job
November 28, 2017 Texts and Technology alumni Marci Mazzarotto (2017) was offered a tenure-track position in Digital Communication at Georgian Court University, a small liberal arts Catholic university in central New Jersey.

Q&A with SVAD Grad Yasiman Ahsani
November 21, 2017 Yasiman Ahsani is a recent SVAD alumna who now works for a well-known game developing company, Epic Games. She received a B.A. in Digital Media with a specialization in Game Design and a minor in Film in May 2017. We sat down with Yasiman to talk about life after graduation...

CAH Faculty Inducted into UCF’s Prestigious Scroll & Quill Society
November 17, 2017 Four CAH faculty members were selected for induction in the 2017-2018 class of the Scroll & Quill Society.

T&T Alum Tom Cavanagh Appointed UCF's Vice Provost for Digital Learning
November 16, 2017 Dr. Tom Cavanagh (T&T 2006) was appointed in August 2017 as the University of Central Florida’s new Vice Provost for Digital Learning, overseeing the Center for Distributed Learning, the Office of Instructional Resources, and new digital initiatives that will positively impact student retention, engagement, success, and access. Dr. Cavanagh will...

Veterans Legacy Program Launches Website and App
November 16, 2017 The University of Central Florida launched a new program Wednesday, November 8, to honor veterans. Using a smartphone or tablet, visitors to Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell now can learn more about some of the veterans interred there.

The Sky’s the Limit: FIEA Students Win 2nd Place in Space-Themed Game Jam
November 09, 2017 FIEA students Rafael Brochado and Denis Savosin love games. And they love space. And those two passions came together on October 1, 2017 as they created a game that took second place in the “2017 Indie Galactic Space Jam.”They had help from five other participants who chipped in on audio...