Master’s in Literature Alumna Joins Ph.D. Program at University of Maryland
May 27, 2009 Master’s in Literature Alumna Ucheche Okereke-Beshel has been accepted into University of Maryland’s English Ph.D. Program and offered a $20,000 fellowship. She joins her new program in fall 2009
UCF Baritone to Sing in Richard Wagner's opera "Das Rheingold"
May 01, 2009 Baritone Thomas Potter will sing the role of Donner in Richard Wagner’s opera “Das Rheingold” with the Indianapolis Opera Company and Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Maestro Mario Venzago. More information may be found at:

UCF Music's Presser Foundation Award
April 30, 2009 At the UCF Music Department’s annual Honors Convocation, department chair Johnny Pherigo presented the Presser Foundation Award to Allessandro Bonotto.

UCF Wind Ensemble Composition Award
April 30, 2009 At the UCF Music Department’s annual Honors Convocation, Jay Batzner presented the UCF Wind Ensemble Composition Competition Award to Brandon Clinton.

Gallagher attends conference with Dalai Lama
April 22, 2009 Shaun Gallagher participated in an invitation-only conference with the Dalai Lama and eight other scientists in Dharamsala, India at the Dalai Lama’s residence. The theme of the conference was Attention, Memory and the Mind and was sponsored by the Mind and Life Institute. Gallagher presented his research on embodiment and...

David L. Brunner: Recognizing 20 Years of Excellent Service to the University
April 08, 2009 As Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities at the University of Central Florida, David L. Brunner has been honored for his 20 years of excellent service to UCF. Brunner conducts the University Chorus and Madrigal Singers, teaches courses in conducting and music education, and coaches private composition students....
Terry Thaxton receives In-House Grant
April 08, 2009 Terry Thaxton has been awarded a 2009 College of Arts & In-House Grant. Thaxton’s research project, a book titled Take it Outside: Creative Writing in the Community, is intended for teachers and students of creative writing who want to develop projects that promote writing as a powerful tool for transforming...

CAH Graduate Student Researcher of the Year
April 08, 2009 Liz Brendel receives CAH Graduate Student Researcher of the Year award for 2008/2009. A M.F.A. student in the Theatre Department, Ms. Brendel’s research titled “Aphra Behn’s The Rover A study of Feminism and Class” won top honors at the 2008 Graduate Research Forum.

Eladio Scharrón receives In-House Grant
April 07, 2009 Eladio Scharrón has been awarded a 2009 In-House Grant that will allow him to finish his work on the recording of the complete works for guitar of Manuel M. Ponce. This Mexican composer is one of the most important classical guitar composers in the 20th century. Three CDs are already...
UCF students and faculty perform at Holocaust Memorial Resource and Education Center event
April 07, 2009 Theatre students Luke Bernard and Erika Lyon performed at the Holocaust Memorial Resource and Education Center of Florida Tribute dinner for John and Rita Lowndes. The students were well received as they performed pieces from the recent Theatre Department production of West Side Story. Theatre faculty member Be Boyd also...

Theatre for Young Audiences/USA spotlights UCF Theatre grad
April 07, 2009 Rebecca Podsednik, a graduate of the Theatre for Young Audiences M.F.A. Program, has been spotlighted by the International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People’s United States Chapter. She is currently Tour Coordinator in the Theater for Young Audiences program at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.

Melody Bowdon receives CAH Excellence in Graduate Teaching award
March 23, 2009 Melody Bowdon received the CAH Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award for 2009. Bowdon regularly teaches graduate courses in Technical and Professional Communication, Rhetoric and Composition, and Texts and Technology. Bowdon is currently directing four doctoral dissertations, two doctoral comprehensive exams, and two MA theses. She has served on numerous university...

Kelle Groom wins Outstanding Master's Thesis award
March 23, 2009 Kelle Groom has won the UCF College of Graduate Studies award for Outstanding Master’s Thesis. Groom received her M.F.A. in Creative Writing in December 2008. Her thesis, Five Kingdoms, is a poetry collection. Her poems and nonfiction have appeared in AGNI, Gettysburg Review, The New Yorker, Ploughshares, Poetry, and Witness,...

Nora Lee García-Velazquez honored by La Prensa
March 19, 2009 Nora Lee García-Velazquez has been named among 2009’s “Hispanic Women Who Make the Difference” by La Prensa, the premier Spanish newsweekly in Central Florida. She won in the Education category along with Linda Rosa-Lugo, also of UCF. La Prensa Publisher/CEO Dora Toro and Justina Gonzalez Marti acted as events coordinator...
Dr. Shelley Park Granted Sabbatical for Spring 2010
March 06, 2009 Dr. Park is working on a book, tentatively titled “Real (M)others: The Metaphysics of Maternity in Adoptive, Queer, and Blended Families.” The central philosophical question posed by and explored in her work is “What is a real mother?” Interweaving personal narrative and theoretical reflection, Park explores the emotional and philosophical...

UCF Flute Ensemble tours Guatemala
March 04, 2009 The UCF Flute Ensemble will tour Guatemala under the direction of Nora Lee García-Velázquez from March 6 to 13. The ensemble will appear in Guatemala City and Antigua, performing music by American, French and Latin American composers.
Harry Coverston Awarded CAH Undergraduate Teaching Award
March 04, 2009 Dr. Harry Coverston was awarded the distinguished Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award this year.
Dr. Nancy Stanlick Awarded First Annual UCF Creed Award for Integrity
March 04, 2009 Dr. Nancy Stanlick has been awarded the UCF Creed Award in Integrity. The UCF Creed Award was created in an effort to honor the individuals who exemplify the tenants of the UCF Creed.

Shaun Gallagher receives Distinguished Researcher Award
March 03, 2009 Shaun Gallagher has been selected to receive the 2008-2009 Distinguished Researcher Award for the College of Arts and Humanities. Shaun Gallagher’s research is conducted in the area of philosophical phenomenology, the philosophy of mind and the cognitive sciences. His work is highly interdisciplinary and draws not only from philosophy, but...
T&T Ph.D. student to serve on the Bedford/St. Martins TA Advisory Board
March 02, 2009 Rochelle (Chelle) Becker-Bernstein, a third-year student in the T&T Ph.D. program, was selected as one of ten composition teaching assistants from around the country to serve on the Bedford/St. Martin’s TA Advisory Board for 2009. Ms. Bernstein, who is currently completing her coursework and looking forward to beginning her comprehensive...