Craig Saper Edits Reprinted Book Foretelling the End of the Book
August 27, 2009 Craig Saper edited a new edition of Bob Brown’s prophetic book The Readies(originally published in 1930 and published now with Saper’s annotations and Afterword with Rice University Press). More than fifty years before electronic forms of abbreviated writing became commonplace in text messages, Brown invented a new format for reading,...
Percussion Instructor Publishes Timpani Book
August 26, 2009 Kirk Gay has published a book of timpani etudes and solos for beginning to advanced players. The book, titled Pedal to the Kettle, addresses the demands of today’s emerging timpanists, bringing new, modern life to performing on this unique instrument. The etudes (written for 2 or 4 drums) are presented...

Trumpet Professor Tours Florida and North Carolina High Schools in the Spring
August 25, 2009 UCF trumpet teacher, John Almeida, toured several Florida and North Carolina high schools during the end of the 2009 Spring semester. He performed as a guest trumpet soloist with several superb high-school-band wind ensembles including Lakewood Ranch High School, Douglas Anderson School of the Arts Wind Symphony, and Central Davidson...
Digital Media professors present at SIGGRAPH 2009
August 14, 2009 Darlene Hadrika and Stella Sung co-presented a paper at the 2009 SIGGRPAH conference in New Orleans entitled “Collaborative Animation Productions Using Original Music in a Unique Teaching Environment.” The talk focused upon the collaborative aspects of animation and music and the ways that UCF’s Digital Media animation program presents an...

English Faculty Completes Philosophical Vampire Novel
August 10, 2009 Susan Hubbard’s vampire novel, The Society of S, offers a fresh, ethical take on the popular vampiric fiction genre. Inspired by a dream, Hubbard’s novel contains characters that will change the way people think about the world around them. “To care about the environment, to care about ethics, to wrestle...

López Cruz presents collection of essays on Cabrera Infante
August 10, 2009 Humberto López Cruz’s recent book Guillermo Cabrera Infante: el subterfugio de la palabra, published by Hispano Cubana, contains critical essays on the works of late Cuban writer Guillermo Cabrera Infante (Cervantes Award 1998). Infante’s innovative prose places him among the preeminent figures of Latin American literature. These essays cover various...
Digital Media Creates Ethics Based Video Game for Students
July 23, 2009 The Digital Media program and Partnership for Research on Storytelling Environments (PROSE) have teamed up to create an ethics based video game designed to help students manage real life situations in a technological setting. The project aims to help future students think ethically about technology. PROSE is currently working on...
Music Grad Student wins American Viola Society's David Dalton Research Competition
July 23, 2009 Jennifer Mueller, a graduate student in UCF’s College of Music, recently won first prize in the American Viola Society’s annual David Dalton Research Competition. Her paper is entitled, “Finding Emotion in Bartok’s Viola Concerto,” and investigates emotional responses to music as a way to analyze musical form. The paper will...
UCF Grad Student Born To Be On Stage
July 06, 2009 Graduate student Trent Fucci will star as Prince Hal in The Arboretum’s Summerfest production of Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part One July 8th-12th. Fucci will have the opportunity to play the role of Prince Hal for the next three summers if the play is well received. Read more about Fucci’s career...
Studio 500 Attracts Attention for Emerging Media Program
June 11, 2009 The new Studio 500 is helping to make Orlando an entertainment force. UCF film students have been working with Tiger Woods, Derek Jeter, and Roger Federer to produce Gillete commercials in their new motion-capture Studio 500. Additionally, the Emerging Media Department recently teamed up with the UCF cheerleading team to...

English Faculty Holds Signing for New Book
June 11, 2009 University of Central Florida English faculty Cecilia Rodríguez Milanés held a booksigning for her latest work, Marielitos, Balseros and Other Exiles, about Cuban-American exiles at 7 p.m. Thursday, June 11,2009 at UrbanThink! Bookstore in Orlando.

UCF Summer Theater Opens with "Greater Tuna"
June 02, 2009 Assistant Professors Mark Brotherton and Earl Weaver star in and direct this year’s first UCF summer show, “Greater Tuna.” Weaver will also direct “Cole!” later this summer.

UCF Partners receive Disney grants
May 28, 2009 Two UCF partners have received Disney’s Helping Kids Shine grants. The Orlando Repertory Theatre, home to the Masters of Fine Arts Program in Theatre for Young Audiences, received $10,800 to fund their ACT! Outreach Program. The Orlando Shakespeare Theater, host to third-year students in the Theatre Department’s Masters of Fine...
Master’s Students Present at Children’s Literature Conference
May 27, 2009 Master’s in Literature alumna Mandy Mahaffey and Master’s in Literary, Cultural, and Textual Studies student Jeannina Perez presented at the Girls’ Culture & Girls’ Studies: Surviving, Reviving, Celebrating Girlhood Conference, October 16–18, 2008 in New Haven, Connecticut. Their papers were, respectively: “Gender Performativity, Sexual Orientation, Body, and the ‘I Kiss...
Master’s and Undergraduate Students Present at International Conference
May 27, 2009 Master’s in Literature alumna Mandy Mahaffey, Master’s in Literary, Cultural, and Textual Studies student Jessica Masri, and undergraduate English student Corrinne Woods, formed a panel entitled “Time/lessness in The Last Unicorn” at the 30th International Conference for the Fantastic in the Arts (International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts),...
Master’s in Literature Alumna Joins Ph.D. Program at University of Maryland
May 27, 2009 Master’s in Literature Alumna Ucheche Okereke-Beshel has been accepted into University of Maryland’s English Ph.D. Program and offered a $20,000 fellowship. She joins her new program in fall 2009
UCF Baritone to Sing in Richard Wagner's opera "Das Rheingold"
May 01, 2009 Baritone Thomas Potter will sing the role of Donner in Richard Wagner’s opera “Das Rheingold” with the Indianapolis Opera Company and Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Maestro Mario Venzago. More information may be found at: www.indyopera.org.

UCF Music's Presser Foundation Award
April 30, 2009 At the UCF Music Department’s annual Honors Convocation, department chair Johnny Pherigo presented the Presser Foundation Award to Allessandro Bonotto.

UCF Wind Ensemble Composition Award
April 30, 2009 At the UCF Music Department’s annual Honors Convocation, Jay Batzner presented the UCF Wind Ensemble Composition Competition Award to Brandon Clinton.

Gallagher attends conference with Dalai Lama
April 22, 2009 Shaun Gallagher participated in an invitation-only conference with the Dalai Lama and eight other scientists in Dharamsala, India at the Dalai Lama’s residence. The theme of the conference was Attention, Memory and the Mind and was sponsored by the Mind and Life Institute. Gallagher presented his research on embodiment and...