M.C. Santana has been assigned as Discipline Coordinator for Women’s and Gender Studies programs across the state of Florida. The Department of Education’s Statewide Course Numbering System oversees the assignment of course numbers to all courses in Florida colleges and universities. Santana will work with the Department of Education in Florida to assign new and revised course numbering to all Women’s Studies classes, while providing advice and leadership for the development and maintenance of discipline taxonomy and statewide course details.
“UCF has been very active in creating new courses under WST [Women’s Studies, Gender and Sexuality] and the state has paid attention to us. I will help determine the order, numbering and sequence of all courses in the state under the code of Women’s Studies, allowing me to identify trends and set new outcomes for our program here,” says Santana.
Santana has been the director of the UCF Women’s and Gender Studies program since 2009. The interdisciplinary program provides education related to women’s and gender issues through curricular and co-curricular programming on campus, enhances diversity and supports women and their endeavors.