The English Graduate Program at the University of Central Florida invites graduate students, advanced undergraduates, and faculty to submit abstracts for the eighth annual graduate student symposium on the theme Identities Remixed. The symposium will be April 5, 2019. Literary, cultural, and textual theories reveal how identities are situated, constituted, intersecting, fluid, shifting and fragmented. This conference considers how writers, readers and texts navigate the dimensions of identity through narrative, poetry, theory, and texts.
We encourage a variety of pedagogical, critical and creative approaches to the conference theme, including:
- Identities in performance, construction, and pressure
- Multimodal expressions and repressions of identity
- Transnational, expatriate, exile, and marginal and hybrid identities
- Cis-gendered identities, LBGTQ+ identities
- Geopolitical or posthuman identities
- Identities and rhetorical literacies
- Embodied and spacial identities
- Materialities and identities
- Special panel on Zora Neale Hurston’s Dust Tracks on a Road
Please send 250-word abstracts and a brief c.v. to UCFENGS2019@gmail.com. Deadline for abstracts: January 25, 2019. Send inquiries to UCFENGS2019@gmail.com.