Five staff members from the College of Arts and Humanities have been nominated for the university’s A&P Gabor Award: Gary Brown, Mariana Chao, Trisha Farmer, Patty Hurter, and Mannong Pang. The Gabor Award, which is sponsored by The Gabor Agency, was established to recognize and reward the outstanding job performance of a selected Administrative & Professional (A&P) employee. The honoree, selected annually, will be announced during the Annual Employee Awards Program, and will receive a check for $2,500.
Come cheer them on at the Annual Employee Awards Program, 2:30-5pm in the Student Union Pegasus Ballroom.
Gary Brown – School of Performing Arts
Gary is the Production Manager for School of Performing Arts – Theatre. Gary started with Theatre UCF in 2014. He helps manage all of the theatrical productions, student production assignments, facilities scheduling of the Performing Arts Center and Theatre buildings, and much more. He is also on the UCF Celebrates the Arts Steering Committee.
Mariana Chao – Department of Writing and Rhetoric/University Writing Center
Mariana is the Academic Support Services Coordinator with the University Writing Center. Mariana started with the UWC in 2014 after being at the university since 2007.
Trisha Farmer – Dean’s Office
Starting at UCF in 2006 and beginning her role in 2009, Trisha’s primary responsibility is to help coordinate the College of Arts & Humanities graduate academic programs. Duties include graduate enrollment management, assistantship support, and being a liaison between the departments and the College of Graduate Studies.
Patty Hurter – Texts & Technology Doctoral Program
Patty is the Assistant Director of the Texts & Technology Doctoral Program. Patty began in the Dean’s Office in 2006, and has contributed to the rapid expansion and growth of the program exponentially. This year she is happily making transition plans for retirement.
Mannong Pang – Dean’s Office
Mannong began at CAH in 2014 after previously working in the College of Education & Human Performance. On the CAH web team, Mannong participates in developing, testing, maintaining, and supporting college web-based application including analysis, design, content, programming and integration of interactive web processes.
And, last but not least … Ashli Van Horn – Dean’s Office
Ashli Van Horn is the Instructional Facilities Scheduler for CAH. She was awarded the July 2018 USPS Employee of the Month Award, and will be eligible for the USPS Employee of the Year at next year’s awards program. Ashli was hired at UCF in March 2014 where she is the Facilities Scheduler in the College of Arts and Humanities. Read about her award: USPS Employee of the Month for July 2018: Ashli Vanhorn
At the Annual Employee Awards Program, Human Resources will introduce the 2018 USPS Employee of the Year, announce the recipient of the 45th Anniversary service award, and recognize employees who have reached significant anniversaries of employment. If you are unable to make the Annual Employee Awards Program, tune into the livestream.