Three College of Arts and Humanities faculty members and two alumni received awards from the Florida Historical Society at the organization’s annual meeting and symposium on Thursday, May 16 in Cape Canaveral. The event recognizes individuals who create outstanding work that preserves and celebrates Florida’s past, which has been the mission of FHS since it was established in 1856. FHS awards are competitive, with as many as ten or twelve significant books or projects submitted per category.
“The work coming out of UCF is consistently outstanding,” says Ben Brotemarkle, executive director of FHS. “UCF students and faculty produce both exemplary traditional work such as papers and theses, and contemporary work like podcasts and digital resources. It’s always exciting to see what cutting-edge projects and programs will come out of UCF next.”
See below for the full list of winners.
Holly Baker ‘17
2019 Hampton Dunn Broadcasting Award for electronic media such as radio and television for “Every Tongue Got to Confess Podcast”
Robert Cassanello (Department of History)
2019 Hampton Dunn Internet Award for “new media” utilizing computerized production and distribution
Porsha Dossie ‘18MA
2019 Governor Leroy Collins Award for best postgraduate thesis on a Florida history topic for “The Tragic City: Black Rebellion and the Struggle for Freedom in Miami, 1945-1990”
Kristina Tollefson (School of Performing Arts – Theatre)
2019 David C. Brotemarkle Award for creative expressions of Florida History for “Too Much is Not Enough: The History in Harriett’s Closet”
Lori C. Waters (Department of History)
2019 Caroline P. Rossetter Award for Outstanding Woman in Florida History in recognition of her extraordinary efforts to preserve the history of Florida’s role in the Space Program