Parcels: MFAs in Progress is a new, monthly reading series organized by current University of Central Florida graduate students pursuing Masters of Fine Arts degrees in Creative Writing. The series aims to share the talents of the current UCF MFA students with the Orlando community.
Parcels is hosted on the second Sunday of each month at Urban ReThink, nestled in Downtown around the corner from Lake Eola. Readings begin at 7 p.m. and will run for about two hours with breaks for drinks, socializing, and games. They are free and open to anyone interested in hearing fresh, contemporary poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Brian Crimmins, leader of the Parcels Organizational Committee and an MFA student studying creative nonfiction, stated, "I’m thrilled we are able to provide opportunities to showcase emerging voices in the local literary community. Creating a place for MFA students to share works in progress not only benefits the students, but also those interested in hearing new fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry."
The first Parcels event in October was a great success, with a turnout of over fifty people.
"Parcels are packages, gifts. To be given, and to be received," explained Leslie Salas, fiction MFA student and member of the Committee. "We hope you’ll enjoy what Parcels has to offer to the community."
The next Parcels reading is currently scheduled for December 11, 2011.