Location: UCF Art Gallery
UCF Art Gallery presents:
Opening Reception:
Thursday, August 25 at 5pm
Progeny is an International Collaborative Project, featuring the work of Luke Aaron Clark (UK) and Bryce Hammond (USA). The exhibition focuses on an immersive architectural sound installation modeled after a Langstroth Beehive. There are ten partitions covered in acoustic paneling, with 48 microphones and 36 speakers that transmit every single sound originated in the space.
Progeny is the result of three years of research and partnership, working in concert with the agricultural community, structural engineers and sound experts.
In location, Progeny becomes an instrument or a platform for public interaction, artistic collaboration and performance, providing unique opportunities for the audience to experience and engage with the work.

Scheduled Events:
FORUM: Bee Society Conceptual Forum
August 24, 2pm
Apiary Doug McGinnis will discuss how flowers taught bees to be vegetarian, functions of bee society and the super organism. McGinnis is a member of the Atlantic Center for the Arts Board of Trustees. His family business, Tropical Blossom Honey Co., has been collecting honey from beekeepers in Florida since the 1940’s. He established an apiary on ACA grounds for visiting artists to observe the bees feasting on the wide variety of native flowers.
ARTIST TALK: Bryce Hammond and Luke Clark
August 25, 4pm
August 25, 5pm–7pm
PANEL DISCUSSION: Every Room Has A Sound
August 26, 5pm
A curatorial panel discussion inspired by the Progeny installation, exploring the relationship between architecture, space and sound as well as John Cage’s place within this landscape. Featuring the Progeny Artists Bryce Hammond and Luke Aaron Clark, Guest Speaker Colin Ripley (Editor of: In the Place of Sound: Architecture Music | Acoustics, Cambridge Scholars Press), UCF Assistant Professor of Music Thad Anderson, Valencia College Program Chair of Architecture Allen Watters, and UCF Art Gallery Director Yulia Tikhonova.
August 26, 7pm
UCF Assistant Professor of Music Thad Anderson + UCF percussionists in adjacent with the Progeny Exhibition will perform John Cage’s Four4.
More about Progeny:
The artists Bryce Hammond and Luke Aaron Clark have figuratively become beekeepers. The hive-based installation is man-made. The structure is disassembled, transported on a flatbed truck to another temporary location where it is reassembled.
The structure is designed whereby every unit is constructed using 4’ x 8’ frames, including walls and flooring. Ten independent walls create nine narrow corridors 24 ft in length. The narrow width of each corridor compels close public interaction. The space above the walls is designed without a joining ceiling. 32 contact microphones under the flooring of the structure pick up the vibrations of people’s footsteps. These, alongside 16 microphones within the walls, transmit sound to 36 speakers throughout the installation.
This travelling time-based work explores the point at which an artwork is ready for the viewer. Progeny’s journey, from one location to another, is as much part of the work as when it is assembled for public exhibition. It is neither stationary in its physical or intellectual state, constantly evolving through travel and through the communities it interacts with.
Emulating the systematic migratory procession beekeepers undertake, carrying up to 400 hives on flatbed trucks to temporary locations, Progeny’s journey is documented by film and online media and forms part of future exhibitions.
The project includes an education program that encourages children and adults to care for our natural environment, and which also explores the theme of community, by using bee society as a comparative model.
About the Artists:
Hammond records evidence of human presence in man-made environments through first-hand observation of poverty culture. This data is compiled to pollinate and present diverse techniques of expression including participatory installation, voyeuristic sound and documentation through paintings and other art objects.
Hive Society: Conte Family
Pollinator Society:
Peggy & Roy Hester
Margie Pabst
Edward & Jeanie Harris
Jack Mitchell
J. Douglas McGinnis
Charlotte Everbach
J. Gerard & Maryclaire Pendergast
Milligan Family
Craig Highberger
Sam & Betsy Stewart
Neil and Marcia Dorsey
Tom and Cathleen Berse
Special Thanks:
Sam Stewart
Robert Hammond
ACA Staff
Elizabeth Wills
Peter & Marie Pruden
John & Odelia Davis
Brian Ashurst
Melissa Bush
Assisted by:
Arnaldo Narvaez
Thiaeng Uk
Atlantic Center for the Arts
New York Foundation for the Arts
Tropical Blossom Honey Inc
Pabst Charitable Foundation
Program Advisory Panel:
Doug Mcginnis
Richard Peña
Margie Pabst