32.1, Spring 2007

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Denise Duhamel, Spoon
Denise Duhamel, A Flower of Fish
Jan Beatty, I’ll Write the Girl
Chet Gresham, North Star
E. K. Wilson, Cantrip for the Unmoored
E. K. Wilson, Manatee
Mary Ann Meade, The Aunt
Sean Sexton, The Dragmark
Sean Sexton, A Horse Dies Beneath You
Jeff Hardin, Always Upstream or Downstream
Jeff Hardin, A Search for Survivors
Brenda Sieczkowski, Apology
Brenda Sieczkowski, Dia de los Muertos
Hanna Craig, Elijah Frames Her for Murder
Jenny Browne, The Greatest Love Offerings in the History of the World
John Nieves, Two and a Room (Reflexive)
Megan Gillespie, Cheers
Megan Gillespie, Tooth
Grace Danborn, The Carolers Knock in Landstuhl
George Kalamaras, Bone Sutra
George Kalamaras, John Tells Me Things
Kory M. Shrum, Despondent as Edna Pontellier
Kory M. Shrum, Ocean

Seth Taylor, Resistance
Valerie Vogrin, The Memoirist’s Sister
Gimbiya Kettering, A Natural History
Karen Brown, Isabel’s Daughter
Todd Dodson, The Sadie Kinder Story
Mary Helen Sprecht, House of Guns
Mary Elizabeth Pope, Divining Venus

Patrick Hicks, Teaching Wilfred Owen in South Dakota
Amy L. Jenkins, Shepherded Flights
Peter Selgin, Eagle Electric

Alejandro Alvarez, 5 O’Clock Tea
Sean Michael Wilson and Sean Azzopardi, Clouds
Sean Michael Wilson and Sean Azzopardi, Rock
Sean Michael Wilson and Sean Azzopardi, Tea
Tim Ogline, Opening Books & Closing Doors

A Conversation with Peter Meinke

Kelle Groom, Blue Colonial by David Roderick

Hayley Carmo, Untitled

