26.1, Winter 2001
SOLD OUT. If you are researching one of these writers, please let us know via email and we will do our best to provide a copy of the piece for you for personal use only in line with copyright law.
John Salter, The Bear’s Fourth Leg
Taylor Antrim, Solitary West
Sheri Joseph, Hindsight
Thomas Bonfiglio, Food Chain
Stephen Dixon, The Error
Nicholas Montemarano, To Fall Apart
Heather King, Dream House
Sana Krasikov, Secular First
Virgil Suárez, Los Rubios
Virgil Suárez, The Reconciliation Between Los que se Fueron y Los que se Quedaron
Natalie Safir, The Other
Jarret Keene, Hair
Becka Mara McKay, Not Miami
Christopher Chambers, Nimbus & Olfactory
Christopher Chambers, Vox Populi
Stephen Frech, The Windmill
Juditha Dowd, The Weathermancer
Ethan Fode, Gateway to the West
Britton Gildersleeve, The Body’s Language
Jeff Worley, After a Trip to the VA Hospital Alzheimer’s Ward, Tucson
Elizabeth Drumwright, Chicken Woman
Barry Ballard, Poems
Jocelyn Bartkevicius, Double Down: Reflections on Gambling and Loss by Frederick and Steven Barthelme
Jeanne M. Leiby, How She Knows What She Knows About Yo-Yos by Mary Ann Taylor-Hall
Janelle Aslin, Waking the Deaf Dog by Michael David Madonick
Kevin Meehan, Crazy Quilt by Vivian Shipley
Cecilia Rodríguez Milanés, The Sugar Island by Ivonne Lamazares