1.1, January 1972

SOLD OUT. If you are researching one of these writers, please let us know via email and we will do our best to provide a copy of the piece for you for personal use only in line with copyright law.

Charné Porter, two men
Charné Porter, Self-Portrait

Mimi Wyatt, Nude
Steven Lotz, Fragment of a God

Anselm Hollo, After Tu Fu
William Stafford, Talk Before Work
William Stafford, Forever After
Bob Bradshaw, Jack Tumbles Jill
Bob Bradshaw, The Dancing Bear
Edmund Skellings, The Double Helix
Mike Lange, Thank You
Al Zolynas, Darkness sits
Stephen Dunn, Note to Friends. . .
Shirley Stubbings, A Woman Found
Shirley Stubbings, Caught
Philip Dacey, A Gift of Stones
Harold Witt, Touchdown Brown
Roland Browne, Freddy the Hamster Really
Kenneth E. Warfel, I Killed. . .
Barton Sutter, The Light at the Top. . .
Hans Juergensen, After Three Centuries
Florence Dacey, Brother
Katherine Bishop, Instinct
Greg Jarvie, Mr. McCumber’s Loneliness
Ilse Juergensen, In Strange Country
James Tipton, On Discovering the New World
Donald L. Kaufmann, Disney Land / Disney World
Jo Dahlstedt, Chameleon in the House
Jean West MacKenzie, Stories
Jay Taylor, All the Women Dead
Jay Taylor, The Poet and the Flocks
David Ray, A Hill in Oklahoma

Anne Lynch, Emily
C. M. Dupré Oyler, Melinda Trout’s Affair
Chuck Collins, Great, When Should I Call
Judith Lancaster, The Foot Race
