UCF Women’s Studies hosted workshops, receptions and other events in September 2014 to commemorate its 20th anniversary on campus.
“Women’s Studies serves the community with academic opportunities and a mission for service,” said Maria Santana, director for the past six years. The program also works toward social justice and equality with more than 2,000 hours of service learning each semester.
The program started in 1994 with first director Kathryn Seidel, a professor in the English department. The program focuses on the situation of women and gender relations, women’s contributions to society, and contemporary women’s issues. Courses are open to women and men of all ethnic and political backgrounds.
The undergraduate minor is designed to complement many majors, especially the humanities and social sciences. The program also provides preparation for those who plan to enter the professional world of education, health care, criminology, law, business, and economic studies, among others.
To commemorate the years of involvement, the series of events open to the public included:
- Sept. 15 – “This is What a Feminist Looks Like” photo campaign, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., UCF Student Union patio.
- Sept. 16 – Lunch & Learn: Our Alum, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., College of Arts & Humanities, Room 192. The speaker was Emily Ruff, a program alumna and director of the Florida School of Holistic Living.
- Sept. 17 – Women’s Studies Happy Hour, 5:30 to 7 p.m., Maxine’s on Shine, 337. N. Shine Ave., Orlando. Attendees recognized the work of past directors and looked toward the future.
- Sept. 18 – Activist Media Training, 10 a.m. to noon, Cape Florida Ballroom of the Student Union. Participants learned the skills to excel in traditional, social and new media at this session hosted in conjunction with the League of Women Voters.
- Sept. 18 – Women Leadership Forum, 3 to 5 p.m., Cape Florida Ballroom of the Student Union. The forum hosted by UCF Global Perspectives featured civil rights activists Cheryl Brown Henderson and Peggy Wallace Kennedy.
- Sept. 19 – Yoga, 9 to 10 a.m., Reflecting Pond. End the week with a lesson on self care and yoga.
Some other events were held later in the anniversary year:
- Oct. 16 – “That’s Not OK! A Delicate Conversation About Rape Culture,” 4:30 to 6 p.m., Teaching Academy, Room 117.
- Nov. 18 – Marya Hornbacher, creative non-fiction writer of The New York Times bestseller “Madness: A Bipolar Life,” 3 to 4:15 p.m., Health and Public Affairs, Room 119.
For other information about the Women’s Studies program, go to http://womensstudies.cah.ucf.edu/
Read the original article at UCF Today.