Since last year, the Orlando Museum of Art has received backlash after unknowingly displaying 25 pieces of art said to have been made by famous painter Jean-Michel Basquiat. UCF faculty and students spoke with FOX 35 News about the situation.
“[The art] was very nice,” said Derian David, an art student at UCF.
“Maybe we just thought it was nice because we thought it was legitimate,” added Dernika David who is also an art student.
“Art authenticators and appraisers told FOX 35 News that normally art collections of this caliber have a governing body that helps verify whether artwork is real. Basquiat’s disbanded in 2012,” reports FOX 35 News.
Jason Burrell, the Assistant Director of UCF’s School of Visual Arts and Design, said that typically there is also a forensic evaluation of the art. “That seems to have lapsed in this case,” said Burrell. “But, that there were not as many verifications as you’d like was also a clue that helped unravel the situation.”