UCF student, faculty, staff and alumni artists have found themselves in the unprecedented circumstance of isolating themselves. Concerts and performances have been canceled, exhibitions are moving online and pedagogy is happening virtually. Traditional year-end experiences like senior recitals and UCF Celebrates the Arts are no longer happening.
What we have seen on social media, however, is that this isolation isn’t stopping anyone’s creativity. In fact, creativity seems to be increasing! UCF artists are finding new ways to mentor, collaborate and create. So that the public can also see what we watching develop, we are pulling posts on social media that use the hashtag #artsatucf into a feed at arts.ucf.edu/artson.
To participate, tag your art-making on Instagram or Twitter with #artsatUCF, or send a link to cahpr@ucf.edu. (Please note that in order for it to show in the feed, the post must be public.)
- Be a role model Knight! All work must be created by UCF students, alumni, faculty or staff and the post should be inclusive, respectful and follow the rules of the social media platform you are using.
- Respect social distancing and governmental recommendations. We will only share work that follows the current guidelines and laws for distancing.
- Messy vitality is fine! We aren’t looking for perfection (though we will happily accept it.) Share any and all stages of your arts-making from ideation to final product; get creative!
- We reserve the right to hide any posts that don’t follow these guidelines.
Go Knights, ARTS ON!