Orlando is known as the land of theme parks — a place that people visit from around the globe to immerse themselves in the most imaginative and fantastic worlds. Located in the international hub of the themed-experience industry, UCF is poised to become a leader in the field.
Starting Fall 2019, UCF will offer an MFA track in Theatre, Themed Experience that prepares students to be creative leaders in the themed-experience industry.
A themed experience goes beyond theme parks; it is an interaction with a physical or virtual environment designed to convey a narrative that can educate, entertain and inspire individuals, and can be found in zoos, aquariums, retail, dining, museums, virtual worlds and exhibitions.
Creating themed environments takes a unique set of skills in storytelling, design and guest management. This graduate track in the School of Performing Arts will pull from the strength and diversity of the faculty and from the direct connection to leaders in the field. Students will take classes in creating immersive experiences that include storytelling, how to visualize themed experiences and hands-on studio design.
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