SVAD Graduate Jay Flynn (MFA, Studio Art and the Computer) was recently awarded a $1,000 Artist Grant from United Arts Central Florida. The grant was a direct result from a final project in ART 5811 Professional Practice in Art taught by Associate Professor Elizabeth Brady Robinson last fall in which students learned how to research, submit and assemble national grant proposals as it relates to their area of research.
Jay will travel to Rochester, NY this summer to attend the Ambrotype Workshop at The George Eastman Kodak House International Museum of Photography taught by renowned artist Mark Osterman.
An ambrotype is a special kind of photograph which uses a special technique to transfer its image onto a sheet of glass. While the practice was common in the 19th century, it gradually fell out of favor more modern methods. However the technique retains a place and is gathering a revival in the artistic world. Jay Flynn will use this new technique to produce ethereal architectural prints.
Jay Flynn’s website: