The Department of Writing and Rhetoric extends a warm UCF welcome to our new department chair, Dr. Sherry Rankins-Robertson!
Dean Jeff Moore welcomed Dr. Sherry Rankins-Robertson with this message: “Dr. Rankins-Robertson comes to UCF from the Department of Rhetoric and Writing at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, where she has been a very successful administrator and academic leader. She has most recently been serving as Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs in Student Success, Retention, and Online Education, and has also served the university as Director of Composition and Literacy Coordinator. Her list of publications is rich; she clearly follows her advice to students: ‘write only on the days you eat.’
“The search committee was enthused about Dr. Rankins-Robertson’s demonstrated knowledge of how a department as diverse as DWR operates, her ability to advocate for the department and the people it comprises, and her ideas for strategic partnerships. These are all qualities that I seek in our leaders at the College of Arts and Humanities, and I am excited to watch the Department of Writing and Rhetoric continue to flourish under her leadership.”
Rankins-Robertson takes the position after Dr. Stephanie Vie departed UCF in December to assume an administrative role at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. During the interim, Associate Dean Lyman Brodie has led the department and has been a great help. In his words:
“I would like to thank everyone for their support during this time of transition and certainly unusual circumstances. And also ask everyone to remember my mantra of ‘Patience, Kindness and Flexibility’ as we move into the new academic year. Go Knights!”
Please help us in welcoming Sherry Rankins-Robertson to UCF and in thanking Associate Dean Brodie for his service and assistance during the transition.