Marci Mazzarotto, who graduated from T&T in spring 2017, published her new video work, “(re)Inventing with the Cloud,” in the online journal TextShop.
In her “Creator’s Statement” about the project, Marci writes,
This project began with a simple task: to free up memory on my smart phone. As I deleted the majority of images from my phone’s camera roll, I noticed that over a two-year period I had stored around 3000 images on the cloud (some of which had been previously removed). I was bit shocked by that number, as it translates to taking and/or storing about four images a day. While that daily number may not seem like a lot on the surface, it still made me question what and why I had saved so many images in a relatively short time span. I also wondered how many of those images had been shared on social media.
This led me to start pondering other questions around the idea of just how often we photograph and for what purpose? Is there an awareness of the underlying intention(s) in our visual documentation? Or are we needlessly photographing the world because it is now so simple to do? Is our sharing of images tied to the desire for a more embodied experience in the digital world? Perhaps we seek instant validation? Or maybe we are suffering from an identity crisis?
Marci’s project can be found here: http://textshopexperiments.org/textshop04/reinventing-with-the-cloud