Before he passed away in March 2021, associate professor of theatre performance Mark Brotherton was slated to direct Theatre UCF’s production of Welcome to the Moon and Other One Acts. When the time came to decide what material the students would perform this year, Theatre UCF artistic director felt it was Brotherton’s last wish to direct the play, and to pull it from the season would be wrong.
“There was a certain affinity that Mark felt with Shanley,” Listengarten said. “He said that students really connect well with Shanley’s sensibility.”
The one acts will be directed by three of Brotherton’s former students: UCF alumni Peter Cortelli ’10MFA, Tara Kromer ’15MFA and Joshian Morales ’13, all of whom knew Brotherton and were impacted by his vision.
“It added more personalization,” Theatre UCF student Janiece Deveaux said. “These are people who worked with Mark, who knew him and knew how he acted, and the kind of man he was.”
Click here to read the full story from the Orlando Sentinel.