Pat Rushin: Making The Zero Theorem

March 14, 2014  Pat Rushin discusses his first feature film and the screenplays that inspired his work in the latest edition of Pegasus magazine. Rushin is the screenwriter behind The Zero Theorem, the latest film directed by Terry Gilliam, starring Christoph Waltz, Matt Damon, and Tilda Swinton. The Zero Theorem is a futuristic fantasy...

Short Film by UCF Grad Screens at Florida Film Festival

March 14, 2014  Gabrielle Tillenburg’s short film Fantasy Land will be screening during the Florida Film Festival in Winter Park next month. The film follows the UCF alumna’s journey to revisit Disney’s Magic Kingdom and explore her childhood relationship with her now-deceased father, with the hope of discovering whether those memories were just...

Public Invited to View UCF Student Art Inspired by Science

March 13, 2014  A unique showcase featuring scientific research as it has been interpreted by student artists will be open to the public from March 27 through April 4. The UCFSTEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) exhibit presents paintings, posters, prints, photographs and 3D artworks created by UCF fine arts students in...

Giordano invited to conference in Italy

March 12, 2014  Paolo Giordano, Neil E. Euliano Distinguished Professor of Italian and Italian American Studies, was invited to a conference/workshop at the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center titled “Transcending Borders, Bridging Gaps: Italian Americana, Diasporic Studies, and the University Curriculum.” Eighteen professors of different disciplines, nine from the United States and nine from...

Vie Examines Digital Activism in New Journal Article

March 12, 2014  Stephanie Vie examines “slacktivism” in an upcoming online journal article. According to Vie, the Human Rights Campaign Marriage Equality logo is an important example of how seemingly insignificant moves such as adopting a logo and displaying it online can serve to combat microaggressions, or the damaging results of everyday bias...

Performing Arts Director Performs in Chicago

March 07, 2014  Professor Jeff Moore traveled to Chicago to perform Music for 18 Musicians by Steve Reich at the University of Illinois in Chicago. The ensemble is made up of faculty members from various schools in Illinois, Michigan, New York, Texas and Florida.

Jeff Moore Performs Post-Minimalist Concert in Syracuse

March 07, 2014  Professor Jeff Moore traveled to Syracuse, New York to perform on a post-minimalist percussion ensemble concert that included Steve Reich’s Mallet Quartet, Peter Garland’s Apple Blossom and the New York premiere of Mark Mellits’s Gravity at Storers Auditorium on the Onondaga Community College campus. The ensemble included OCC faculty members...

Performing Arts Director performs and teaches in Australia

March 07, 2014  Professor Jeff Moore was invited to present master classes, clinics, and to perform in concert at the PAS Australia National Drums and Percussion Summer Camp at the University of Adelaide-Elder Conservatory of Music. Moore was among several international percussionists and pedagogues invited from Australia, Austria, and America, including Nebosja Zivkovic...

Director interviewed for Australian Percussion Magazine

March 07, 2014  Professor Jeff Moore was interviewed for an article in Australia’s DRUMscene Magazine, released in January 2014. In the article Professor Moore discusses his background and percussion career. In addition, he discussed the topics for his upcoming sessions at the Australian National Drums and Percussion Camp in Adelaide, Australia.

Jeff Moore interviewed for Orlando Arts Magazine

March 07, 2014  Professor Jeff Moore was interviewed for an article in Orlando Arts Magazine, November/December 2013 issue. In the article he discusses his new position as Director and the goals for the newly formed School of Performing Arts.

Jeff Moore’s Second Percussion Method Book and CD package is Released

March 07, 2014  Professor Jeff Moore second percussion method book and CD package, Fundamental Drumstick Control was published by Alfred Publishing Company, Van Nuys, CA.

Professor Moore teaches at a Yamaha Sounds of Summer Clinic

March 07, 2014  Professor Jeff Moore was the featured clinician at the Yamaha Sounds of Summer Camp at UCONN (University of Connecticut) in Storrs.

New Percussion Ensemble arrangement by Jeff Moore published

March 07, 2014  Alfred Publishing Company, located in Van Nuys, California published Professor Jeff Moore’s percussion ensemble arrangement, A Beatles Medley: 1963-‘64. Professor Moore has over 20 percussion ensemble and steel drum arrangements published and distributed internationally by Alfred.

Gallery to Host Master of Fine Arts Exhibition

March 05, 2014  With artworks that blend photography and sculpture, to those that challenge personal beliefs, and others that play on memories, the 2014 Master of Fine Arts thesis exhibition will be shown March 6-21 at the UCF Art Gallery. Seven artists will be featured in the “Down the Rabbit Hole” show that...

UCF CAH promotes Creative Careers through Florida IT Performance Grant

March 03, 2014  The Creative Career Speaker Series is a collaboration between the UCF College of Arts and Humanities (CAH) and UCF’s School of Visual Arts and Design (SVAD), recipients of a Florida IT Performance Grant. Rudy McDaniel, Assistant Dean for Research and Technology for the College, noted that “the Speaker Series was...

Destined for the Stage

March 03, 2014  Thanks to having three sisters who liked watching musicals, Rob Stack, ’07, grew up watching them too. As a kid, he found himself drawn to Grease 2. “I know. It’s a horrible movie with a campy, cliché depiction of high school,” he says. “But, I loved every minute of it....

Theatre Lecturer Receives Life @ UCF Award

February 27, 2014  Theatre Lecturer Sybil St. Claire is a recipient of the 2014 Life @ UCF Award for UCF Women Faculty Excellence in Academic Partnerships. She was awarded for the creation of interACTionZ: a queer youth theatre for social change. interACTionZ is a partnership between Theatre UCF, the Zebra Coalition, the Orlando...

UCF Film Wins Best Documentary Award

February 26, 2014  The film The Committee won the award for Best Documentary at the Love Your Shorts Film Festival in Sanford on Feb. 15. The Committee was directed by faculty members Lisa Mills and Robert Cassanello. The 24-minute documentary was produced during the fall 2011 semester by a Honors Advanced Documentary Workshop...

Theatre UCF Student Wins Regional Competition for Dramaturgy, Advances to Nationals

February 14, 2014  University of Central Florida student Elle Sullivan has won the Southeast regional competition for dramaturgy at the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival and will be heading to Washington D.C. to compete at the national level this spring. Sullivan, a junior majoring in Theatre Studies and minoring in Music, says...

UCF Alum Flourishes on New York Art Scene

February 13, 2014  In a culture that tends to fixate on fame and fortune, it is easy to overlook the real success achieved by everyday people living their dream. UCF alum Elana Eda Rubinfeld is one of those people. After graduating from UCF’s School of Visual Arts & Design, Elana moved to New...