T&T Student, Mia Tignor, Wins Poster Competition at HASTAC

November 06, 2017  Mia Tignor was one of three winners of the Electronic Poster competition at HASTAC, held in Orlando, November 3-4, 2017. Her poster is titled “Critical Cataloging: Examining LCSH as Text.”

Race and stereotypes explored in Theatre UCF’s An Octoroon

November 06, 2017    Theatre UCF presents a timeless tale of race as a social construct and the love that exists if looked past it. An Octoroon will be held in the Black Box starting on Thursday, November 9 and runs through Sunday, November 19. An Octoroon follows the story of George, the...

Dr. Bryan Pijanowski and UCF Confront the Planet’s Current Biodiversity Crisis

November 05, 2017  Participants listened closely as noted Sound Ecologist, Dr. Bryan Pijanowski, presented Seven Sonic Pathways to Address A Silent Wicked Problem: A Call to Arms for Scholars in the Sciences and Humanities to Join Forces to Confront the Planet’s Current Biodiversity Crisis for faculty and students on November 1.  Dr. Pijanowski works at...

Journey Cuba Study Abroad trip application deadline December 1

November 02, 2017  Interested in short-term study abroad? Journey Cuba is in its second year and the associated course SPN 3955 is 3 credits in Spring 2018. Students have the option to take the course and go to Cuba over Spring Break, or to take the course only and work with students who...

Students visit Sochi for 19th World Festival

November 02, 2017  Eight Russian Language program students from the University of Central Florida visited Sochi, Russia for the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students. The festival, a nine-day program covering world politics, economics, and advances in science, sports, and more, is the largest event for international youth cooperation. This year’s event...

November events from the School of Performing Arts

November 02, 2017  With holidays and the end of the semester around the corner, make sure you mark your calendar now for these incredible Theatre UCF and Music events! Tickets, if required, can be obtained online, by calling (407) 823-1500, or by visiting the UCF School of Performing Arts Box Office (Monday-Friday from...

T&T Student Finalist in Startup Competition

November 01, 2017  Omnimodal, a transportation tech startup co-founded by David Thomas Moran ‘14 and Nathan Selikoff ‘04, was one of nine finalists admitted into the Central Florida Social Enterprise Accelerator (CFL SEA) program committed to creating positive social change through entrepreneurship. The first program of its kind in Central Florida, CFL SEA...

Project Spotlight Opens Fall One Act Festival Thursday, November 2

October 31, 2017  By Sarah Schreck Project Spotlight, the University of Central Florida’s premiere student developmental theatre organization, will be premiering four new works in its bi-annual One Act Festival this weekend. Each production is written, directed, produced, and performed by students, and performances are open to all with free admission. Performances begin at...

UCF Alumna Named First Orlando Poet Laureate

October 31, 2017  Susan Lilley ’75 ‘80MA has been chosen as Orlando’s first poet laureate after a five month search. Lilley, an English major for both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees and formerly a UCF faculty member for 12 years, was chosen from forty-nine applicants. The three award-winning finalists were all UCF Alumni:...

UCF to Honor, Remember Veterans in November

October 30, 2017  The History Department has coordinated events and activities honoring veterans throughout November. The events will recognize veterans for their service and provide the public opportunities to attend workshops and access veteran resources.

SVAD Alumni Finalists in Startup Competition

October 26, 2017  Omnimodal, a transportation tech startup co-founded by David Thomas Moran ‘14 and Nathan Selikoff ‘04, was one of nine finalists admitted into the Central Florida Social Enterprise Accelerator (CFL SEA) program committed to creating positive social change through entrepreneurship. The first program of its kind in Central Florida, CFL SEA...

UCF to Host HASTAC Conference

October 26, 2017  Collaborations of the digital and humanities worlds will be presented at an international gathering Nov. 3-4 at the University of Central Florida to look at new ways of teaching and research in an age when many say the printed word is no longer the main medium for education and its...

Stephanie Vie Represents DWR as a Panelist for the Collective Impact Institutionalization Plan Roll-Out

October 26, 2017    Our own chair of Writing and Rhetoric, Stephanie Vie, presented on the Strategic Alignment panel during the Collective Impact Institutionalization Plan Roll-Out. Dr. Vie, along with others such as the Dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science, answered questions relating to their involvement and strategies in aligning...

Upcoming Panel at HASTAC 2017 – Digital Storytelling as Public History/Archaeology: a View from the Vayots Dzor Fortress Landscapes Project, Armenia

October 24, 2017  This year HASTAC 2017 will take place at the University of Central Florida. At this conference, a number of panels will take place relating to this year’s theme of “The Possible Worlds of Digital Humanities.” One of the panels featured at HASTAC is led by UCF’s History Department’s Dr. Tiffany...

UCF Playback Theatre troupe works with sex crimes unit of Orange County State Attorney’s Office

October 23, 2017  At the sex crimes unit of the Orange County State Attorney’s Office, prosecutors, investigators, and victim advocates work every day with profoundly emotional and disturbing cases. In the process, they are often required to suppress their own feelings to effectively assist victims and prosecute criminals. Bureau Chief Jenny Rossman felt...

Fall Showcase Features Film Student Work

October 21, 2017  Fifteen short films by students in the School of Visual Arts & Design will be screened Nov. 3 in the eighth annual Fall Showcase.

Three T&T Faculty Members Honored as Luminary Leaders

October 20, 2017  Congratulations to Anastasia Salter, Stephanie Vie, and Pavel Zemliansky for making a positive impact on the world!  These T&T faculty members were honored at UCF’s inaugural Luminary Award presentation  for dreaming big and making positive change in the world through their work. Read more.

A Dream Come True Through TESOL

October 20, 2017  From being the director of a computer programming company in Brazil to a UCF TESOL graduate student, Sandra Pauleti has come a long way to follow her dream of becoming an English teacher.

The 5th Annual Jerrell H. Shofner Lecture Series

October 20, 2017  The History Department hosted the annual Jerrell H. Shofner lecture series covering Florida culture and history earlier this week. Nearly 100 students, faculty and alumni attended this year’s lecture as guest speaker, Gary. R. Mormino, discussed “Florida and the Age of Terror.” Mormino explored Florida as it navigated its way...

Faculty Recognized with Inaugural Luminary Awards

October 19, 2017  Six College of Arts & Humanities faculty members were among those honored with the inaugural UCF Luminary Award, designed to shine a light on exceptional faculty whose work is advancing their discipline and making a difference. The 2017 recipients from the arts and humanities include Keith Folse, Professor in the...