CAH Faculty Deliver Games Workshop in Costa Rica

July 22, 2011  From July 11 to July 15, professors Rudy McDaniel (School of Visual Arts and Design) and José Maunez-Cuadra (School of Visual Arts and Design and Latin American Studies) traveled to Puntarenas, Costa Rica to deliver a hands-on workshop to nine faculty at the University of Costa Rica, Pacific Campus. The...

Atkins Foundation gives to technical communication scholarship

July 19, 2011  The Atkins Foundation, Inc., has awarded a grant of $3,000 to the UCF Foundation, Inc. in support of the STC-UCF Melissa Pellegrin Memorial Scholarship, an endowment established by the Orlando Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication. The STC endowment is managed by the philanthropic arm of the University of...

Kelle Groom's memoir gaining national attention

July 18, 2011  UCF alum Kelle Groom is garnering critical acclaim with her newest book. I Wore the Ocean in the Shape of a Girl: A Memoir, from Free Press/Simon & Schuster, was recently selected by Oprah Winfrey for O Magazine’s 2011 summer reading list. In stirring, hypnotic prose, I Wore the Ocean...

Reedy and Potter in Orlando Arts Magazine

July 08, 2011  Robert Reedy and Thomas Potter are featured in the July/August 2011 edition of Orlando Arts Magazine. The latest issue profiles Reedy as a fine artist and a teacher and spotlights Potter’s professional career as well as the local outreach events he organizes through the UCF Opera program. Orlando Arts Magazine,...

UCF Theatre grad joins The Second City

June 30, 2011  David Knoell, who received his M.F.A. in Acting in 2006 from the University of Central Florida, has been accepted to the Directing Program at The Second City, the leading improv-based sketch comedy company. The competitive program is a year-long intensive program that will have Knoell teaching classes, working as the...

Hunting the Basilisk a Success for John Shafer

June 14, 2011  John Shafer’s play Hunting the Basilisk is currently being performed by the Looking for Lilith Theatre Company at The Rudyard Kipling in Louisville, KY. The play was first introduced at UCF as part of Women’s History Month. The UCF Women’s Studies and Theatre departments were sponsors and UCF students originated...

UCF Hosts Creative Writing Classes for Adults and Teens

June 13, 2011  Creative writing workshops for teens and adults this summer aim to build UCF’s literary community. Courses are designed to teach the skills and techniques used by professional creative writers to create fiction, poetry and non-fiction. Each class will consist of a lecture, discussion and workshop where participants will learn new...

English Student Presents Paper at PCA Conference

June 06, 2011  On April 20-23, 2010, Amanda Ewoldt, a student in the English M.A. in Literary, Cultural, and Textual studies program, attended the Popular Culture Association conference in San Antonio and presented her paper, “‘The twenty-first century is when everything changes’: Torchwood and Resistance to Posthumanism.”

SVAD faculty present at international videoconference on social networking

June 02, 2011  Natalie Underberg, Daniel Novatnak, and Maria Cristina Santana presented on their work at an international videoconference entitled “Las redes sociales como una novedosa herramiento de la investigación” (“Social Networks as an Innovative Research Tool”).  Organized by the University of Costa Rica, UCF was invited to participate along with Kansas State...

Peter Telep co-authors Tom Clancy novel

June 01, 2011  By day, Peter Telep teaches screenwriting, creative writing and fiction writing at UCF. By night, he’s a New York Times best-selling author and the most recent collaborator of Tom Clancy, the renowned author of international thrillers. He co-authored Clancy’s newest book Against All Enemies, to be released in June. On...

Knight Winds and García-Velázquez to perform at National Flute Association convention

May 04, 2011  The Knight Winds ensemble and Nora Lee García-Velázquez have been invited to perform at The National Flute Association Annual Convention in Charlotte, NC. The Knight Winds will perform in the evening on Saturday, August 13, while García-Velázquez will perform the following afternoon. Find out more about the Flute Studio at...

Snap! Orlando Showcases Students, Profs’ Photography

May 03, 2011  UCF students and professors’ work will be on display during Snap! Orlando this week. Snap! Orlando is a five-day photography celebration showcasing the work of renowned international and national photographers, as well as images from emerging local talent. The event and its programs are designed to inspire and galvanize a...

‘Green’ Fashions Displayed at Rockefeller Center

May 02, 2011  When Erin Gordon created and photographed dresses made of recycled material for a photography class, she didn’t expect her designs to grab the attention of the NBC network. But they did. Last week, the University of Central Florida senior’s designs were on display at the NBC Experience Store, located in...

2011-12 Hopes Scholarship Winners Announced

May 02, 2011  Five aspiring UCF student artists have been awarded the 2011 J.R. Hopes Art Scholarship, named after the senior vice president of marketing at AOL-Time Warner during the height of the Internet boom. The scholarship was established to encourage talented arts students with financial need to further their artistic careers. Each...

Masters student Jessica Workman at the Pop Culture Association/American Culture Conference

April 28, 2011  Jessica Workman, a student in the Master of Arts in Literary, Cultural, and Textual Studies program, presented her paper , “Chasing Posthuman Reality: Simulacra, Advertising, and Philip K. Dick’s Ubik.” at the Pop Culture Association/American Culture Association annual conference in San Antonio, TX, on April 20-23, 2011.

Masters student Jay Jay Stroup at the American Studies Symposium

April 28, 2011  Jay Jay Stroup, a student in the Master of Arts in Literary, Cultural, and Textual Studies program, presented her paper “Rediscovering Bonds of Intimacy: The Female Homosocial and Lesbian Continuum in Milcah Martha Moore’s Book.” at the American Studies Symposium, “Interrogating Silence(s): A Critical Examination of Memories, Voices, and Identities...

Masters student Blake Vives at the American Studies Symposium

April 28, 2011  Blake Vives, a student in the Master of Arts in Literary, Cultural, and Textual Studies program, presented her paper “Uncovering Deborah Sampson’s Apparently Silenced Voice: Gallantress of Early American Female Masculinity” at the American Studies Symposium, “Interrogating Silence(s): A Critical Examination of Memories, Voices, and Identities in American Studies,” at...

Ayako Yonetani to be Featured Soloist in Slovakia

April 27, 2011  Ayako Yonetani will be a featured soloist for the Beethoven concerto in two concerts during the Kosice Spring Music Festival in May in Slovakia. Yonetani has a concert in Spisska Nova Ves on May 17th, and Humenne on May 18th. This will be the orchestra’s 50 year anniversary season. For...

The Top 25 Underrated Creative Writing MFA Programs

April 20, 2011  UCF is featured in The Huffington Post‘s “Top 25 Underrated Creative Writing MFA Programs.” The article notes that UCF’s Creative Writing MFA Program “fully funds nearly all its incoming students” and deserves more attention from applicants. Read the complete story from The Huffington Post or from UCF Today.

Digital Media Students ‘On Display’

April 20, 2011  UCF’s School of Visual Arts and Design will hold its annual “Premiere and Exposition” this week at the downtown Center for Emerging Media, showcasing student work from throughout the year. The event will be held from 6 to 9pm Thursday, April 21, at UCF’s 500 W. Livingston St. campus. It...