Dr. Josephine Kulea from the Samburu Girls Foundation will give the keynote address at the 2018 International Women’s Issues Conference, held Friday, February 16 and Saturday, February 17 at the UCF Student Union.
The talk will be held on Friday, February 16 at 1:15 in the Key West Ballroom (218AB) in the UCF Student Union. All presentations at the IWIC conference are free and open to the public. (View the full 2018 IWIC Program Booklet here.)
Dr. Kulea, HSC is the Founder and Executive Director of Samburu Girls Foundation (SGF). She is a courageous youth activist. Her organization addresses Harmful Cultural Practices facing children in the pastoralist communities in Northern Kenya.
These practices include: child marriages youngest bride rescued is 7 years, female genital mutilation (FGM) which is still rampant and is done on the day of the wedding for most Samburu girls and Beading where young girls are bought beads in exchange for sex.
She has been able to rescue over 1,000 girls and through her organization is supporting 315 girls to get an education from primary level up to university level. She has the passion for what she does hence she has been able to venture into a field where not many people are bold enough to do.
Her tremendous work has been recognized widely and has been awarded numerous awards including: Unsung Hero 2011, Head of State Commendation 2012, COVAW champion 2013, Acumen East Africa Fellow 2013, UN Person of the Year 2013, Inspiring Woman by Gender commission Kenya 2014, YALI Washington Fellow 2014, Spark Change maker 2015, Vital Voices Lead Program 2015, African Union Youth Hero 2015, Egerton university gender award 2015, Gender Equality City University of New York award 2016, Top 40 under 40 women award 2016, Humanitarian Award 2017 by Kenya Women, and Children Wellness Center.
She was recognized by President Obama for her work on his visit to Kenya. Dr. Josephine Kulea serves in an international board named VOICE based in Netherlands as an advisory member.
Her dream is to see children enjoying their full rights, and the eradication of harmful cultural practices for a prosperous Kenya and Africa as a whole.