On November 25 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., a “parade” of inflatable sculptures will overwhelm the front of UCF’s Student Union. Students in the School of Visual Arts & Design’s 3-D Design classes have constructed dynamic art using recycled, found and customized plastic injected with forced air.
The sculptures, which showcase the students’ skills in construction and environmental installation, will engage, entertain and surprise pedestrians.
The inflatable artworks represent the final project for students in ART 2203C Design Fundamentals in conjunction with the Advanded Design Lab. AdLab encourages students to develop their art and design skills on projects with real-world applications.”
According to Professor Robert Reedy, director of AdLab, “Working extremely hard for something that lasts briefly is a commitment, character and skill building experience.”
For further information, contact Reedy at Robert.Reedy@ucf.edu.