The 15th annual Graduate Research Forum was held in the Student Union’s Pegasus Ballroom, April 3, 2018. The event is one of many scheduled during UCF’s Research Week and showcased the research and creative projects of more than 300 graduate students. Student presentations represented a variety of disciplines and were evaluated by a group of judges.
UCF History was represented by a large group of participants which included: Mike Burke, Tyler Campbell, Onyx De La Osa, Mason Guinto, Gramond McPherson, Samuel Moore, Brandon Nightingale, Samuel Ortiz, Taylor Rayfield and Carys O’Neill.
O’Neill won first place at the forum for her poster titled “A Room of Their Own: Heritage Tourism and the Challenging of Heterosexual Masculinity in Scottish National Narratives.” In addition to winning for her poster, O’Neill was awarded a $1,000 scholarship.