Issue 44.2 of The Florida Review was recently published, featuring the winner of the new annual Humboldt Poetry Prize and environmental work in fiction, creative nonfiction and poetry genres.
The Humboldt Poetry Prize is a new award focused on poetry with environmental themes and concerns. Funded by an anonymous donor, the new Humboldt Poetry Prize honors Prussian naturalist Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859). A winner and two runners-up are chosen each year from work published in the previous year’s The Florida Review and Aquifer: The Florida Review Online. Each winner receives an award of $500 and each runner-up $250.
Issue 44.2 includes the recipient of the first Humboldt Poetry Prize, Jacqui Zeng, as well as other environmental work from Brooke Barry, Salgado Maranhão, Mark Halliday and Emily Collins. The issue also includes general work from Charles Jensen, May-lee Chai, Pablo Medina, Marya Brennan, Lisette Alonso and Janelle Garcia, among others. The cover art, depicting a socially-distant day at the park, was painted by Thomas Mampalam, M.D.
Issue 44.2 is the first issue of The Florida Review edited by new faculty editor Jake Wolff, assistant professor of English. He assumed editorship of the journal from previous faculty editor Lisa Roney, with whom issue 44.2 was co-edited.
Copies of this new issue can be purchased through UCF here.