Congratulations to UCF students Kristina Abicca, Dana Mikkelsen, Taylor Rayfield, Amber Steward, and Shravan Yandra, all of whom have had work they produced in their first-year composition classes published in the latest issue of Stylus: A Journal of First-Year Writing. The subjects of their individual articles vary—from considerations of writing processes to the effects of multilingualism on note-taking and knowledge-making to the rhetoric behind design choices made on medical resource websites—but all share a sense that writing can be used to meaningfully inquire into the world around us. “Their work is truly outstanding,” said Stylus faculty editor, Matthew Bryan, “and represents our first-year writing program very well.”
Stylus is published twice a year online by the First-Year Composition Program and seeks to shine a spotlight on some of the stellar work that students produce in either of UCF’s first-year composition classes, ENC 1101: Composition I or ENC 1102: Composition II. Teams of students and faculty collaborate to review submissions and then work with selected authors to prepare their articles for publication. Each year, President Hitt awards one author published in the journal the Hitt Prize for Excellence in First-Year Writing, a $500 scholarship funded by the President.
More can be learned about Stylus at the journal’s website: http://writingandrhetoric.cah.ucf.edu/stylus/. All previous issues of Stylus can be found here, and authors interested in submitting work for consideration can find how to do so at the journal’s submission guidelines page. Stylus will be accepting submissions for the Spring 2017 issue through Friday, February 10.