Faculty member David Head is an historian, author, and lecturer of history at UCF. A scholar of early America, Head currently researches George Washington, the Founding Fathers, and the American Revolution. Recently, he has dedicated his time to publishing articles based off of his history. Here are a few of them:
1. We Need ‘Dad History’ to Help Understand Our Monuments
Head discusses how military and political histories for general readers are dismissed as what he calls “Dad History,” after the popularity of such subjects among middle-aged men. He writes about how that attitude is a problem, and how more readers should be willing to have a broad understanding of our nation’s past.
2. Guest column: Jean Lafitte was a slave smuggler. Take him down, too
Here, Head writes about how New Orleans has the legacy of slavery and racism embodied in the city’s statues, monuments, street names, and other public displays of honor. The name “Lafitte” is not being discussed enough, as Head describes Jean Lafitte and half-brother, Pierre, as prolific slave smugglers. They were “unrepentant slave traders, skilled at manipulating international conflicts and borders to their advantage.”
3. Cheating Online Can Be a Problem, but There Are Ways to Stifle That
Sharing his best tips for battling online cheating, Head points out that he believes it’s a teaching problem, not a cheating problem. Head suggests faculty to push back how they design assignments, how they plan courses, and how they formulate program curriculum.
4. Podcast: David Head – A Crisis of Peace
In this podcast, Head discusses the American Revolution and rumors about the Continental Army. During this hour-long episode, he “infiltrates the plot against the government to see just how far it goes.”
5. The Post Office is Mentioned, but Not Protected, by the Constitution
In this piece, Head discusses the controversial act of privateering, or the act of ships being owned and officered by private individuals holding a government position. Since it is mentioned in the Constitution, it is protected. Here, he compares this to the current U.S. Postal Service.
6. Peace is Temporary Without Trustworthy Leaders: Lessons from the Philadelphia Mutiny
Through his research, Head outlines his most important takeaways from learning about the Philadelphia Mutiny.
7. The Age of Jackson at Disney World: A Different Kind of History Paper
Here, Head highlights the historical interpretation Disney World features throughout their parks. He believes this is a great addition to education since Disney World has over 20 million visitors per year.
8. Thanks, Disney, for bringing ‘Hamilton’ to the masses | Commentary
Following the immense success of the musical “Hamilton,” Disney is going to feature it through their streaming surfaces for those who were unable to attend a showing or simply want to relive the experience.
9. No, the toppling of King George’s statue was nothing like today’s statue toppling
“In July 1776, New Yorkers celebrated the first Independence Day by destroying a symbol that honored a leader once respected but lately denounced as an oppressor — namely, a two-ton lead statue of King George III.”
Learn more about the History department and the classes offered, including Head’s, on their website.