Two students from the College of Arts and Humanities are working with Limbitless Solutions as interns to design, promote and produce new 3D printed prosthetic arms this year. Both students work directly with Limitless Solutions’ Art Director and School of Visual Arts and Design Associate Professor of Emerging Media, Matt Dombrowski ’05 ’08MFA on the design team.
Remy Marasa is studying sculpture through the studio art BFA program and paints the designs onto the prosthetic arms. Marasa is also developing her BFA Honors in the Major project around art and identity in bionic arms via her work at Limbitless. Jessica Moore works with the design team creating external design documents that assist in donations and building partnerships with companies the likes of Adobe, Autodesk and Stratasys 3D. Moore is a senior studying graphic design through the Emerging Media BFA program.
“The Limbitless Solutions mission is built on the idea of interdisciplinary collaboration,” says Dombrowski. “The artists and engineers equally support each other’s efforts. Students, such as Remy, use their artistic talents to amplify the voices of our bionic kids through vibrant painting and expressive visual development of bionic limbs. The essence of art is communication. Our artists use their expressive designs to create positive conversations surrounding limb difference.”
Visual Art students have worked with Limbitless Solutions in the past:
- Mrudula Peddinti ’18, a SVAD Emerging Media graphic design alum, is currently Limbitless’ branding director. Peddinti will be speaking this October on user experience (UX) design and accessibility representing Limbitless at this year’s Adobe Max conference and has previously spoken in front of the United Nations.
- Former prosthetic arm painters, Anna Kester ’19 and Giovanna Garcia ’19 both graduated with a BFA in Studio Art and were hired immediately upon graduation in art related careers.
- Other notable CAH/SVAD Limbitless alum are Danielle Kraus ’20 Graphic Designer & Photographer, Jason Ferry ’20 Graphic Designer now at Electronic Arts (EA), Colby Clites ’20 Graphic Designer for Cigar City Brewing, Kennedy O’Connor ’20 now LAUNCH Graphic Design NCG Program at Western Digital, Daniel Schutt ’20 Digital Artist, Ashley Lupariello ’20 Character Animator, Lauren Posner ’19 3D Character Artist, Kirkland Macy ’19 3D Artist, Stephanie Alfonso ’19 now Junior Graphic Designer at Falcon’s Creative Group, Ashley Hurst ’19 Graphic Designer at the Office of the Provost and Academic Affairs at UCF, Ariel Figueroa ’19 Graphic Designer, Courtney Diamond ’18 Graphic Designer, Stephanie Valderrama ’16 Designer at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
(Featured from left to right: Giovanna Garcia ’19, Remy Marasa, Anna Kester ’19 painting arms in the SVAD Sculpture area)
Limbitless Solutions is a non-profit 501(c)(3) direct support organization (DSO) at the University of Central Florida that specializes in creating and donating personalized 3D-printed prosthetic arms at no cost to children with limb difference.
Learn more about the different studio art and emerging media programs offered through UCF’s School of Visual Arts and Design here.