S.T.E.A.M. Exhibition

Where ART Meets Science

April 6, 2016 - April 15, 2016

Location: UCF Art Gallery


Steam-POSTCARD4PRINTUCF School of Visual Arts and Design




STEAM Exhibition 2016


Opening Reception:

Thursday, April 7th,

5pm – 8pm




The 2016 UCF STEAM Exhibition – Where ART Meets Science presents photographs,  paintings, drawings, 3D Artworks and posters by UCF Art students in collaboration with UCF STEM students. It also includes “Robots” made from found and recycled materials by elementary students from the UCF CREATE Program. All Artworks were created in visual response to STEM topics.

The STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) initiative brings together science and arts faculty members and their students to create paintings, sculptures, drawings and posters that illustrate the complex research of genetic coding, theoretical physics and other topics for a broad audience.

Free and Open to the Public!!




ICubed is a NSF funded project that partners with several units within the University of Central Florida (UCF), including the College of Engineering and Computer Science, College of Arts and Humanities, College of Education, and College of Sciences. The project goal is to ensure broader impact of NSF funded projects through coordination and integration of the education and research activities of these funded projects by increasing participation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) field. http://icubed.ucf.edu








The 2016 Steam Exhibition is funded in part by the UCF School of Visual Arts and Design, the National Science Foundation and the Jenkins Family Foundation Inc.