FCHEP has partners across the state and is always looking to reach out to affinity groups to strengthen our network and increase educational pathways for system-impacted people. If you’re interested in starting a program in your neck of the woods, reach out to Michael.Kostis@ucf.edu.
FCHEP includes the Florida Prison Education Project at the University of Central Florida, the Community Education Project at Stetson University, the Entrepreneurial Business in Prison Program at the University of South Florida, the Institute for Educational Empowerment at Miami Dade College, Exchange for Change, a Miami-based non-profit that partners with the University of Miami, Florida Atlantic University, and Florida International University, the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition, a grassroots membership organization run by returning citizens and formerly incarcerated persons dedicated to ending the disenfranchisement and discrimination against people with convictions headquartered in Orlando, Total Restoration Transformation Center, a faith-based non-profit in Orlando that provides classes, employment training, case management services, and re-entry services, Operation New Hope, a statewide reentry network headquartered in Jacksonville, Project 180, a non-profit in Sarasota that provides workforce education, financial literacy classes, and re-entry services to system-impacted people, Formerly Incarcerated Convicted People & Families Movement, a nonprofit headquartered in Windemere dedicated to the full restoration of civil and human rights, Florida Cares, a prison reform non-profit in West Palm Beach, and the Florida Department of Corrections, headquartered in Tallahassee.