Florida Coalition for Higher Education in Prison
An initiative of the University of Central Florida, the Florida Coalition for Higher Education in Prison is a statewide network of organizations that provide high quality educational pathways to incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people. Committed to working for institutional equity to ensure equal opportunity and justice to protect the civil liberties of all, FCHEP unites stakeholders, including higher education institutions, non-profit organizations and correctional facilities, to enhance access to a liberal arts higher education and promote social justice.
A statewide consortium, the FCHEP is dedicated to bringing together universities, colleges, non-profit organizations, and correctional institutions to create a unified network that supports educational pathways for people from incarceration to reintegration. FCHEP leverages the expertise of its members to deliver transformative credentialed learning experiences, promote justice, build community and support re-entry, and influence public policy.

Mission and Values
FCHEP enshrines UCF as a beacon of hope in Florida when it comes to higher education in prison while expanding the current programs that currently exist at UCF. It builds off the UCF Creed to ensure that scholarship, community, creativity, excellence, and integrity are brought to members of the community who may not have the ability to attend college due to the carceral landscape.