Tuesday, Apr 9, 2024, 7:00 p.m.
- Alexis & Jim Pugh Theater
- Tickets: $25; $15 obstructed view
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Project Spotlight, UCF’s only student developmental theatre organization, presents a new play by student Hudson Cosgrove-Naftal.
Tuesday, Apr 9, 2024, 7:00 p.m.
- Alexis & Jim Pugh Theater
- Tickets: $25; $15 obstructed view
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Project Spotlight, UCF’s only student developmental theatre organization, presents a new play by student Hudson Cosgrove-Naftal.
What happens when you put yourself under the microscope of the public eye while wearing a mask? Irreverent is a love letter to all the neurodivergent people who are learning to be unapologetically themselves.
This student-run organization is dedicated to giving all majors a chance to take part in productions and to developing new works through One Act Festivals, Ten Minute Play Competitions and UCF Celebrates the Arts.
Playright: Hudson Cosgrove-Naftal*
Tyler Simons*
Assistant Director:
Linsday Goldman*
Costume Designer:
Caleb Jones*
Assistant Costume Designer:
Tabby Dennis*
Stage Manager:
Jonas Winter*
Lighting Designer:
Emily Duncanson*
Assistant Stage Manager:
Amber Wheeler
Sound Designer:
Kate Jeffcott*
Caroline Hull*
Technical Director:
David Jackson*
Vocal Coach
Jake Plante
Set Designer
Matthew Conte*
Assistant Set Designer:
Sonya Smith Tembe*
Puppet Designer:
Sophia Debora*
Puppet Fabricator:
Taylor Falzarano*
*Theatre UCF student
MASK: Tabitha Santillan*
RITA: Nicole Ehrilch*
MR. BROWN: Christian Polastry*
AIDEN / U/S FRANKIE: Wyatt Hubbard
JAYDEN / U/S DINAH: Alyssa Vincent*
HAYDEN / U/S MR. BROWN: Kyle Machande*
RAVEN / U/S RITA: Daniela Frailan Diaz*
BRADEN / U/S EMMETT: Luke Gryzbowski*
MOM / TEACHER / U/S MASK: Angelina DuBois
HAND / U/S MOM/TEACHER: Samantha Kalish*
SOCK: Kait Loughran*
FINGER: Taylor Brown*
SWING: Slightly Shoemaker
*Theatre UCF student
Project Spotlight Officers
Artistic Director: Hilary Pardey-Hernandez*
Leadership Trainees: Lindsay Goldman*, Angelina DuBois
Company Stage Manager: Caroline Hull*
FOH Manager/Head of Playwriting Club: Hudson Cosgrove-Naftal*
FOH Assistant: Emma Johnson*
Master Light Technician: Emily Duncanson*
Master Sound Technician: Olivia Skvarenina*
Production Manager: Matthew Conte*
Technicians: Michael O’Brian*, Reyann Epps*
Media Producer: Casey Berkery*
Social Media Team: Shira Garber*, Jacob Smith*
Social media/Outreach Team: Tabitha Santillan*
Head of Outreach Team: Mackenzie Smith*
Outreach Team: Roma Zizza*, Sofia Gonzalez
Head of DEI Team: Jaya Wilson*
DEI Team: Dawson Tran*, Izzy Ellis*
Head of Dramaturgy: Kenara Brown*
Head of Playwriting Club: Bennett Silver
*Theatre UCF student

We extend particular gratitude to the staff and administration of Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts for their partnership over the past ten years.
Thank You to Our Supporters

Sponsored in part by the State of Florida through the Division of Arts and Culture and the National Endowment for the Arts.
- The Judith and David Albertson Endowment in the Arts
- Cartwright Family Humanities & Arts Endowment
- Phil and Jane Easterling
- Orlando Downtown Development Board
- OUC – The Reliable One
- Women’s Club at UCF, Inc.
Thank You to Our Festival Partners
- Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts
- National Young Composers Challenge
- Orlando Family Stage
- Orlando Shakes
- Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra
- UCF College of Health Professions and Sciences
- UCF Global Perspectives and International Initiatives
- UCF Rosen College of Hospitality Management
- Winter Park Institute