Apr 1 – Apr 13, 2025
- Lobbies and public spaces throughout the center
- Tickets: FREE
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Inspired by the carceral turn in art and art history, this exhibition considers art that exposes, challenges, and participates in the oppressive forces that mark the contours of America’s carceral landscape.
Apr 1 – Apr 13, 2025
- Lobbies and public spaces throughout the center
- Tickets: FREE
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Conceiving of the carceral landscape as both a physical space and a metaphorical construct, the collected works ask: What is the relationship between spaces and systems of discipline and punishment? How do the visual arts function as effective sites of critical and artistic engagement, and can they disrupt physical and psychological spaces of power? How do artists represent the trauma of incarceration, racial injustice, and dislocation? American jails and prisons have inspired artists, both incarcerated and non-incarcerated, to respond to their physical environment with visual art, but systems of power impact both the conditions under which these artists create and shape the circuits through which others engage with the resulting artwork. The uneven systems of policing and surveillance that constitute the carceral landscape are at the heart of this exhibition, which draws attention to the ways in which enslavement, relocation, detainment, and internment institutionalize and normalize systems of inequality and injustice.
Exhibiting artists include Omari Booker, Matt Watson, Christopher Etienne, Jason Fronczek, Alexander Alvarez, Mark Strandquist and Courtney Bowles, and FPEP incarcerated students.

Thank You to Our Supporters

Sponsored in part by the State of Florida through the Division of Arts and Culture and the National Endowment for the Arts.
- The Judith and David Albertson Endowment in the Arts
- Cartwright Family Humanities & Arts Endowment
- Phil and Jane Easterling
- Orlando Downtown Development Board
- OUC – The Reliable One
- Women’s Club at UCF, Inc.
Thank You to Our Festival Partners
- Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts
- National Young Composers Challenge
- Orlando Family Stage
- Orlando Shakes
- Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra
- UCF College of Health Professions and Sciences
- UCF School of Modeling, Simulation and Training