Alumni from the UCF Theatre Department are presenting a theatrical showcase on Wednesday, November 7 and Friday, November 9 at Shetler Studios in New York City.
The event, which has been two years in the making, will feature fourteen theatre and film professionals who boast a wide range of style, type, and versatility. The event will be hosted by Ben Hope (BFA Musical Theatre, 2006) and Justin Sargent (BFA Musical Theatre, 2007). Hope and Sargent are currently featured in Broadway productions: Hope is in the Tony Award-winning Once and Sargent has the lead role of Drew in Rock of Ages.
The showcase is directed by Joseph Fletcher (BFA Stage Management). The music is directed by Westley Todd Holiday (BFA Musical Theatre, 2007). The program features established artists and newcomers to the city, and includes the following UCF alumni:
- David Paul Kidder (BFA Musical Theatre, 2012)
- Trent Fucci (MFA Acting, 2011)
- Brooke M. Haney (MFA Acting, 2011)
- Lesley Noyes (BFA Acting, 2011)
- Abby Savage (BFA Musical Theatre, 2011)
- Brent Wakelin (BFA Musical Theatre, 2011)
- Michael Pettey (BFA Acting, 2009)
- Madison Stratton (BFA Musical Theatre, 2009)
- Yaniv Zarif (BFA Musical Theatre, 2009)
- Amanda Stephen (BA Theatre Studies, 2008)
- Libby Tatum (BFA Musical Theatre, 2008)
- Mandi Jo John (BFA Musical Theatre, 2007)
- Kip Taisey (MFA Musical Theatre, 2007)
- Frank Holmes (Enrolled in Musical Theatre 1998-2002)
Comedy cabaret duo Mel and El, Melanie Kinard and Ellie Dvorkin (BFA Acting, 1998), will also make an appearance at the event.
“It is moving to see the varied personalities and talent working in the industry that will perform at this event,” says Christopher Niess, Chair and Artistic Director of the Theatre Department. “We are extremely proud of these artists coming together, and thankful for the legacy they are building for our current students.”
The aim of the showcase is not to promote the individuals in job-seeking opportunities, but to share the collective network and to support each other.
Darla Olive Talley, Director of External Relations for the UCF Alumni Association, says the association is very proud of the work these alumni are doing. “We love seeing our UCF alumni working together and creating strong networks in their regions.”
The showcase will be held on Wednesday, November 7 and Friday, November 9 at 6:30 at Shetler Studios, Penthouse 1, 244 W 54th Street, 12th Floor, NY, NY. The event is open to the public, but reservations are required. RSVP to UCFShowcase@gmail.com.