The Wander is an interactive technology developed by Alterface to support rich, immersive and non-linear experiences for education and entertainment in a wide range of indoor and outdoor venues. It was created to be an intuitive tool for designers, storytellers and world builders and is scalable.
To help demonstrate The Wander’s versatility and potential, Alterface and InPark recruited five students from UCF’s Themed Experience graduate programs, headed by Peter Weishar. These masters candidates, who are all currently employed in the field, were challenged to learn about The Wander and create viable, original concepts for its use in attractions.
Read more about the value of projects like this, in an editorial by Judith Rubin published in InPark magazine: inparkmagazine.com/erasing-the-line-between-theory-and-practice/.
See the students’ work and learn more about The Wander at inparkmagazine.com/alterface-ucf-design-development/.