Congratulations to Texts & Technology students Brandy Dieterle and Landon Berry on the publication of their article in Computers in Composition on the Writing Center Digital Workspace they designed for our University Writing Center. Brandy previously worked as a peer tutor in the University Writing Center and teaches composition for our department. She also contributes to the department by teaching ENC 3417-Literacy and Technology. Landon was also a peer tutor in the University Writing Center and has worked with UCF’s Writing Across the Curriculum Program. Landon also teaches composition for the department.
Theirs is an excellent example of what can happen when peer tutors in the Writing Center engage in student-led inquiry projects. This project began with research into the scholarship of writing center space, technology, and design. Then Brandy and Landon wrote a formal proposal to remodel a corner of the Writing Center to incorporate new technology for small-groups to collaborate. Later, they studied how students actually use the space and technologies they designed.
The article, “Group consultations: Developing dedicated, technological spaces for collaborative writing and learning,” is accessible here for free until November 3rd.