Why changing your profile picture isn’t “slacktivism”: Social media and solidarity in times of crisis
December 25, 2015 There have been many critiques leveled at those who participate in social media during times of crisis, including calling people who change their profile pictures or share viral videos “slacktivists.” However, I would suggest reframing the discussion from “slacktivism,” which I find to be a charged term that implies that...

UCF Russian Club
December 23, 2015 At the end of the international week Russian club at UCF, ( Alla Kourova is an adviser) held their fourth annual event. A performance of the “Nutcracker” – courtesy of the Russian Ballet of Orlando. This performance brought awareness to the Russian language, culture classes and Russian club at UCF....
'The Big Read' at UCF to Focus on Zora Neale Hurston
December 22, 2015 UCF’s College of Arts & Humanities has been awarded one of 75 grants from the National Endowment for the Arts to participate in “The Big Read,” a nationwide program created to revitalize the role of literature in American culture and encourage reading for pleasure and enlightenment. Grant recipients around the...

Theatre Star Takes Stage for Last Time at UCF Graduation
December 17, 2015 When Nicky Wood walks onto the stage at the CFE Arena to collect his degree on Friday, he may be one of the few University of Central Florida graduates who won’t be nervous. Wood, a 20-year-old theatre studies major, is more at home on stage than anywhere. And after commencement,...
T&T Mock Job Interview Panel
December 08, 2015 Five courageous T&T students participated in mock job interviews to assist them in preparing for the job market. Sandy Branham and Clayton Benjamin held their interviews via Skype, and Emily Johnson, John Bork, and Eric Murnane participated in face-to-face interviews. Drs. McDaniel and Vie were friendly but tough Search Committee...
SVAD Professor Keith Kovach releases new book Vienna in the Winter: A Visceral Experience of Time and Place
December 07, 2015 Kovach was a Senior Fulbright Scholar in media studies, conducting collaborative research and lecturing at the National University of Arts, Bucharest, Romania. His book Vienna in the Winter: A Visceral Experience of Time and Place is a collection of images made during his grant from the Austrian Fulbright Commission and...
Welcome Newest WGST Faculty Member: Anne Bubriski-McKenzie
December 01, 2015 The department of WGST welcomes Dr. Anne Bubriski-McKenzie to join us in Spring 2016 as a Lecturer in Women’s and Gender Studies and Coordinator for the Young Women Leaders Program (YWLP). Anne Bubriski-McKenzie received her M.A. in Women’s Studies at Southern Connecticut State University and her Ph.D. in Sociology at...
On Gratitude and Graduate School
November 27, 2015 As graduate faculty and graduate students, we are trained to be critical – to see the flaws and problems in arguments, ideas, and products. This is not surprising, because it is important to carefully evaluate ideas and thoughtful critical review is a significant aspect of what it means to be...

Theatre UCF partners with Department of Modern Languages for "The Life is a Dream Project" in Spanish
November 25, 2015 ORLANDO, Fla. November 25, 2015 — Students from UCF’s programs in theatre, music, and modern languages joined forces for “The Life is a Dream Project,” a theatrical production performed in Spanish and presented on the UCF campus to the public for free. “The Life is a Dream Project” aims to...
FRBR/RDA: New and Improved Search or Just a New Name for Discrimination?
November 23, 2015 “The Library of Congress Subject Heading as a Gendered Technology” As Ph.D. students, we spend a significant amount of time researching our discipline in the library. We rely on the library to provide academic sources that are authoritative, scholarly, current, and credible. We use the library’s online catalog to search...

Former Theatre UCF Actors Find Fame in Hollywood
November 20, 2015 by Deanna Ferrante, Central Florida Future Almost every performer has dreams of stardom, rubbing shoulders with Hollywood’s hottest and appearing on television and movie screens across the country. For some former Theatre UCF performers, those dreams have become realities. Working in entertainment fields nationwide, some former students have gone on...

WGST Student Wins Hispanic Heritage Scholarship
November 18, 2015 Women’s and Gender Studies is happy to announce that Daniela Muiño, a junior student minoring in the program, was selected to receive the prestigious $5,000 Hispanic Heritage Scholarship. Muiño is from Miami, Florida and plans to graduate in 2018. She is very proud of her Latino roots and what it...
Mosher's Sculpture Selected for Arizona Outdoor Sculpture Showcase
November 05, 2015 The Arizona Outdoor Sculpture Showcase will feature “Standpipe,” a large steel sculpture by Matthew Mosher. Mosher is an intermedia artist and assistant professor in the UCF School of Visual Arts & Design The showcase is on view until November 1, 2017, hosted by the Shemer Art Center. Currently celebrating its...

Hickey Wins Professional Achievement Award
November 05, 2015 Juliann Hickey won the UCF College of Arts & Humanities Professional Achievement Award at the Black & Gold Gala on Oct. 22. Hickey graduated magna cum laude in 1995 with a double major in journalism and Spanish. Juliann received her Juris Doctorate from the University of Florida in 2000, and...
Watson's Game-based Course Featured in Chronicle of Higher Ed
November 04, 2015 Keri Watson was featured in the Chronicle of Higher Education for her online teaching method involving game-based learning. Watson teaches with role-playing games along with alternative reality games. Her alternative reality game, “Secret Societies of the Avant-garde,” was created with her colleague Anastasia Salter as a Unity-based game. The game...
Making Waves, Mixing Colors: Johnson Successfully Defends Dissertation
November 03, 2015 Emily K. Johnson successfully defended her dissertation, Making waves, mixing colors, and using mirrors: The self-regulated learning support features and procedural rhetoric of three whole-body educational games. Emily’s dissertation explores three whole-body educational games (WBEGs) using a quantitative study, a case study, and analyses of their procedural rhetoric to better...
Challenging Preconceived Notions on Race and Culture
November 03, 2015 Dr. Paulette Richards, Executive Director of the Atlanta-based digital production company, Ayamedia, presented her work in creating lo-tech videos with her handmade puppets, challenging how we see and think about race and culture. Dr. Richards, a graduate of Georgetown University and the University of Virginia, is a scholar, teacher, videographer,...
Identification Through a Blended Method of Research: Culler Successfully Defends Dissertation
November 03, 2015 Connie Culler successfully defended her dissertation, Good Works: Commonplaces of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Travel and Tourism Industry. A set of six companies was selected for the study — Disney, Hilton, Intercontinental, Marriott, Starwood, and Wyndham – and commonplaces were identified through a blended method of research that employed...
Disciplinary Mythologies: Lamothe Successfully Defends Dissertation
November 03, 2015 John Lamothe, a graduate of Penn State University and current T&T student, successfully defended his dissertation, Disciplinary Mythologies: A Rhetorical-Cultural Analysis of Performance Enhancement Technologies in Sports, in UCF’s Center for Graduate Studies. Using a rhetorical-cultural methodological approach, John’s research led to the formation of a new theoretical framework called...

WGST Alumna Named one of Central Florida 100 by Orlando Sentinel
November 02, 2015 Women’s and Gender Studies Aluma Anna V. Eskamani, Director of Public Policy and Field Operations for Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida, is part of the 100 of Central Florida’s most influential people in government, politics and culture by the Orlando Sentinel. Anna V. Eskamani is not afraid of change —...