Faculty Affiliate interviewed by Transgress Magazine

February 23, 2016  Joanna Mishtal, Ph.D., Women’s and Gender Studies Affiliate Faculty and Associate Professor of Anthropology was interviewed by writer Vince Darcangelo for Transgress Magazine’s ‘Ensuing Chapters’ blog and GoodReads about her new book, “The Politics of Morality: The Church, the State and Reproductive Rights in Postsocialist Poland” (Ohio University Press, 2015).

WUCF Artisodes Takes the Stage with Michael Feinstein

February 23, 2016  On this week’s WUCF Artisodes, meet a University of Central Florida student training with five-time Grammy nominated recording artist, Michael Feinstein. The popular sing mentors youth through his “Songbook Academy.” “Young people come from all across the United States to take week long intensives, that better acquaint them with classic...

Series of Ads demonstrating iPad Pro as Bob Ross

February 23, 2016  Paying homage to Bob Ross, American Painter/TV host of ‘The Joy of Painting’, Chad Cameron delivers an entertaining demo of Adobe’s Photoshop Sketch digital painting app in a series of Ads produced by Adobe. Chad Cameron is an accomplished designer/illustrator who played the part of Bob Ross brilliantly with timely...

SVAD student Ben Gill to be part of the BFI Future Film Festival 2016

February 23, 2016  Created in the Directing 1 class within UCF’s Film Program, undergraduate student Ben Gill and his dark comedy Babies will be featured in the largest film festival for young emerging filmmakers: The Future Film Festival. FFF is a five-day festival featuring films and filmmakers from around the world. Gill will...

Surviving the Fear Monster: Getting a PhD

February 22, 2016  To determine how my first post to our blog could have the most impact, I had to figure out what I could add of value to this discussion, while simultaneously thinking about all the plans I currently have in motion – conferences, papers, publications, if the job market will hold...

UCF Jazz Studies student to be featured with Josh Groban

February 22, 2016  When internationally acclaimed pop vocalist Josh Groban takes to the stage in three Central Florida performances, he will be joined by Alex Lewis, a senior UCF Jazz Studies trumpet major. When UCF music professor Dr. Kelly Miller was alerted that Groban’s management was seeking a talented Central Florida music student...

Three SVAD Students Win At Orlando ADDYs

February 22, 2016  Three SVAD students, Jack Prettyman, Adelaide Ritter and Alexandra DesCepedes, received awards at the Orlando ADDYs. During this annual event, the American Advertising Federation recognizes outstanding creativity in its fifth district. The ADDYs are the largest creative awards competition in the advertising industry. 2016 winners include: Jack Prettyman Gold ADDY...

Order of Pegasus Winner

February 16, 2016  Amy Maitner is a 2016 Order of Pegasus Award winner. As a member of the College of Sciences, Maitner is majoring in advertising and public relations, with a minor in women’s and gender studies. As part of the LEAD Scholars program, Maitner created the Purple Ribbon Program, an eating-disorder certification...

Keeping Latinas Safe

February 16, 2016  The 2015 report from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center discusses key findings on sexual victimization and health among Latinas. The report shows how “Family members were the perpetrators of rape and/or sexual coercion against victims 12 and younger 100% of the time”. The study’s focus was specifically on rape...

Students Selected for University's Highest Honor

February 16, 2016  Congratulations to Michael Scimeca, Gabriela Wolk and Amy Maitner, recipients of the 2016 Order of Pegasus Award. Michael Scimeca is a part of the Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences and College of Arts and Humanities, and majoring in biomedical sciences and the Spanish language. He is a member of The...

UCF Celebrates the Arts to Brim with SVAD Creations

February 15, 2016  It’s a visual world these days – and the works of color, form and motion created by students and faculty will be on full display at the UCF Celebrates the Arts festival in April. A diverse presentation of mixed media installation pieces, banner art, films, animation, and tableau vivant (living...

T&T 2015-16 CAH Award Winners

February 14, 2016  Congratulations to T&T alum Leandra Preston-Sidler on being chosen for the College of Arts and Humanities 2015-2016 Award for Outstanding Dissertation for her dissertation, “Watch Me Disappear: Gendered Bodies, Pro-Anorexia, and Self-Injury in Virtual Communities.” Additional Congratulations to T&T student Sara Raffel on being chosen for the College of Arts...

U Can Finish!

February 10, 2016  I had the pleasure of attending UCF’s Dissertation Forum on February 5, an event hosted by the UCF Libraries and the UCF College of Graduate Studies, in collaboration with the UCF Center for Success of Women Faculty and ProQuest Academic. Lots of useful information was shared, from utilizing important researcher...

SVAD Academic Program Review Schedule

February 09, 2016  SVAD students are invited to participate in the academic review process for the programs in SVAD. Students will be given the opportunity to provide feedback about the program. Below is the upcoming schedule for the program reviews: Wednesday, February 10 Photography (Regional) 2:30 – 3:00pm in Daytona Bldg. 530 Rm....

Carnegie-Whitney Grant

February 08, 2016  Anne Bubriski-McKenzie was the recipient of a Carnegie-Whitney Grant together with other UCF researchers, including Dr. Kristine J. Shrauger and Dr. Yolanda Hood from UCF’s John Hitt Library, and Dr. Liz Grauerholz from the Sociology Department. The grant proposal titled “DIVerse Families: Growth in Family Diversity A Comprehensive Bibliography PK-12”...

Clarinetist Julian Bliss to Perform with UCF Musicians

February 08, 2016  Clarinetist Julian Bliss will visit UCF for three events including the UCF Wind Ensemble concert on Friday, Feb.26, and UCF Clarinet Day and the Youth Band of Orlando concert on Saturday, Feb. 27. Bliss has performed in the world’s leading venues and festivals as a soloist and chamber musician. The...

Success of Women Faculty & ProQuest Academic: Baker Successfully Defends Dissertation

February 08, 2016  T&T student, Carissa Baker, attended the UCF Dissertation Forum, a one-day event hosted by the UCF Libraries and the UCF College of Graduate Studies, in collaboration with the UCF Center for Success of Women Faculty and ProQuest Academic. The program was designed to foster knowledge sharing and provide information about...

Preston-Sidler Wins CAH Outstanding Dissertation Award

February 04, 2016  Congratulations to Dr. Leandra Preston-Sidler for winning the College of Arts and Humanities 2015-2016 Award for Outstanding Dissertation for her Texts and Technology work Watch Me Disappear: Gendered Bodies, Pro-Anorexia, and Self-Injury, advised by Dr. Melody Bowdon. This award recognizes excellence among the dissertation, focusing on the quality and significance...

UCF to Present Workshops, Student Projects at Love Your Shorts Film Festival

February 03, 2016  Free filmmaking workshops and an evening of student films are all part of a UCF-sponsored Education Day at the Feb. 11-14 Love Your Shorts Film Festival in Sanford. Education Day, sponsored Feb. 11 by UCF’s College of Arts & Humanities, will kick off the festival activities at the Wayne Densch...

Experimental Filmmaker Lisa Danker to screen her new film "Beneath a Glass Floor Lobby"

February 03, 2016  Screening alongside some of the top young experimental filmmakers working in the world today, Experimental Filmmaker Assistant Professor Lisa Danker’s new Film “Beneath a Glass Floor Lobby” will screen February 25 at the $100 Film Festival, the only celluloid-based film festival. When the $100 Film Festival was born in 1992,...