4th Annual Language Speed Dating Event

November 05, 2020  Register here for the 4th annual language speed dating event.

Opinion: We Must Be Vigilant to Preserve Proper Respect for Our Veterans

November 04, 2020  Historian David Head discusses how Americans’ view of veterans has changed since the country’s founding times.

Studio Art alumni co-curate the 2020 Center for Book Arts Exhibition in New York

November 04, 2020  The public can visit the Center for Book Arts Main Gallery to see the “Americans Looking In” exhibit co-curated by two SVAD MFA alumni, highlighting “The Americans” photograph collection taken by Robert Frank. 

M.C. Santana Discusses Impact of Women Voters

November 03, 2020  Spectrum News 13 spoke with UCF’s Maria C. Santana, director of the Women’s and Gender Studies Program, about the impact women have on elections.

Lisa Nalbone Commissioned to Translate Benito Pérez Galdós Work

November 02, 2020  Associate Professor of Spanish Lisa Nalbone’s English translation of the short story “Rompecabezas” was commissioned by the Las Palmas, Gran Canaria University Press for publication.

CAH Faculty Receive $600,000 NSF Grant to Study Ethics in STEM Fields

November 02, 2020  The National Science Foundation supported study led by faculty members in Philosophy and Writing and Rhetoric to understand relationships between values and disciplinary ethics and has the potential to improve knowledge of underrepresented students’ experiences.

Addressing Equity and Access in the Digital Humanities

October 30, 2020  Dan Cox, a student in the Texts & Technology PhD program, talked with the UCF Libraries for Open Access Week about how the themes of equity and inclusion are relevant in the Digital Humanities.

Reading Hamilton with Donatella Galella: Diving into the politics of the pop-culture phenomenon

October 30, 2020  The Tony Award-winning show Hamilton became a pop culture phenomenon that reaches far beyond the typical Broadway audience. After multiple Broadway tours, over one billion album streams and a recorded cinematic performance on Disney+, the musical that flips the script on one of the lesser-known founding fathers has become a...

14 Faculty Members Inducted into the UCF Scroll and Quill Society

October 29, 2020  This years’ inductees are experts in methodology, animation, music history, business ethics and other fields.

New Humanities course promotes interdisciplinary research on race and technology

October 27, 2020  A new Humanities course in Spring 2021 will will explore the role of race in the production, consumption, and representation of technology. The course explores how new and emerging technologies—from dating apps to robots–produce racial identities and how they may be used to reproduce and also resist racism.

History grad, Porsha Dossie ’14 ’18MA, discusses career as historian for National Park Service

October 27, 2020  UCF History graduate Porsha Dossie ’14 ’18MA spoke with Pegasus Magazine about how she helps preserve American history for the National Park Service’s African American Civil Rights Network.

UCF’s Center that Helps Preserve, Share History Awarded National Grant

October 26, 2020  The grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities will help UCF’s Center for Humanities and Digital Research expand its impact in the digital age.

New Philosophy course explores the field of Neuroethics

October 26, 2020  Debuting Spring 2021, PHI4932/PHI5697 Neuroethics explores the morality of the mind sciences in the 21st century.

Mel Stanfill in Pegasus Magazine: Is Cancel Culture Effective?

October 23, 2020  Centuries ago, it was tarring and feathering. Today, it’s a hashtag. It’s evolving, but is cancel culture effective?

Explore Pompeii at UCF

October 23, 2020  The ancient town of Pompeii, destroyed by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, has long fascinated society. This fall, the Orlando Science Center will host the traveling exhibition, “Pompeii: The Immortal City,” and two UCF collaborations from the College of Arts and Humanities will be featured.

The right to vote?: A history of American voter suppression

October 23, 2020  With the election approaching, history professor Robert Cassanello chats with Pegasus Magazine about voter suppression.

The truth laid bare: Lessons from the Ocoee Massacre

October 23, 2020  100 years after the 1920 Ocoee massacre, history professor Robert Cassanello discusses the lessons and healing in the Central Florida community for Pegasus Magazine.

Two new books focus on second language pedagogy

October 22, 2020  Keith S. Folse, TESOL professor, published two books in September, bringing his total number of published books to 78.

Of History and Hope

October 20, 2020  Artwork commissioned for UCF Downtown pays homage to Parramore’s rich heritage.

SVAD Students, Alumni and Faculty Featured at Adobe Max 2020

October 20, 2020  SVAD students, alumni and faculty have represented UCF at Adobe Max in previous years presenting on various topics. This year is no different!