Kevin Roozen, an associate professor in the UCF College of Arts and Humanities Department of Writing and Rhetoric, recently had his book Expanding Literate Landscapes: Persons, Practices, and Sociohistoric Perspectives of Disciplinary Development published with Computers and Composition Digital Press. The book, which is co-authored with Joe Erickson of Anoka Ramsey Community College, presents five longitudinal case studies of writers which challenge narrow, institutionally-bounded accounts of disciplinary writing, learning, and socialization.
Drawing upon a wealth of digital data (i.e., sample texts and artifacts in a wide range of media, still images, audio- and video-recordings of text-based interviews, observations, and video-recordings of persons participating in literate activities) from longitudinal case studies of undergraduates, graduate students, and working professionals writing for disciplinary worlds and their other literate activities, Expanding Literate Landscapes argues that the development of disciplinary ways of being in the world needs to be understood in relation to, rather than apart from, people’s broader literate lives.
Congratulations to Dr. Roozen! To learn more about the Computers and Composition Digital Press, visit http://ccdigitalpress.org/, or to read Expanding Literate Lives for free, visit http://ccdigitalpress.org/expanding/.