Terry Thaxton receives In-House Grant

April 8, 2009 by
Terry Thaxton has been awarded a 2009 College of Arts & In-House Grant. Thaxton’s research project, a book titled Take it Outside: Creative Writing in the Community, is intended for teachers and students of creative writing who want to develop projects that promote writing as a powerful tool for transforming the lives of people in […]

Kelle Groom wins Outstanding Master's Thesis award

March 23, 2009 by
Kelle Groom has won the UCF College of Graduate Studies award for Outstanding Master’s Thesis. Groom received her M.F.A. in Creative Writing in December 2008. Her thesis, Five Kingdoms, is a poetry collection. Her poems and nonfiction have appeared in AGNI, Gettysburg Review, The New Yorker, Ploughshares, Poetry, and Witness, among others. Her awards include […]

Melody Bowdon receives CAH Excellence in Graduate Teaching award

March 23, 2009 by
Melody Bowdon received the CAH Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award for 2009. Bowdon regularly teaches graduate courses in Technical and Professional Communication, Rhetoric and Composition, and Texts and Technology. Bowdon is currently directing four doctoral dissertations, two doctoral comprehensive exams, and two MA theses. She has served on numerous university and college graduate committees and […]

T&T Ph.D. student to serve on the Bedford/St. Martins TA Advisory Board

March 2, 2009 by
Rochelle (Chelle) Becker-Bernstein, a third-year student in the T&T Ph.D. program, was selected as one of ten composition teaching assistants from around the country to serve on the Bedford/St. Martin’s TA Advisory Board for 2009. Ms. Bernstein, who is currently completing her coursework and looking forward to beginning her comprehensive examinations during the summer, was […]

M.F.A. student in The Writer's Chronicle

November 20, 2008 by
M.F.A. student Laurie Uttich’s article “Present-Moment Beginnings that Reveal a Memoir’s Ending” appears in the December 2008 issue of The Writer’s Chronicle, the prestigious national journal published by The Associated Writing Programs. Uttich also has work forthcoming in the literary journal Creative Nonfiction.

T&T Student's Technical Report Writing Course Wins Exemplary Course Award

July 24, 2008 by
Tom Cavanagh’s undergraduate Technical Report Writing course was named a winner in this year’s Blackboard/WebCT Exemplary Course Awards. Tom won a free trip to Vegas in July of 2008 to present the course and receive the award. Tom has also been accepted into a management development program for higher education administrators at Harvard. His new […]

M.F.A. Alumnus Publishes Two Stories

July 24, 2008 by
M.F.A. alumnus Brock Adams (2008) had two stories published recently. "People I Never See Again" is currently online at The Scruffy Dog Review and "Blue Morning Dark" will be available on Café Irreal on August 1, 2008. Brock has also taken a position of Instructor in the English Department at the University of South Carolina, […]

T&T Student Presents Paper at Conference

July 24, 2008 by
Rusty Carpenter presents his paper, "Analyzing Culture’s Influence on Design," at the International Conference on Design Principles and Practices in January 2008 at the University of Miami.